
Animals on the Road

When you are on the road driving, there are so many things to think about. One of the things that people often don't think about until it is too late is animals. One time, when I was driving home from work at night, I was rounding a corner just off of the highway when a giant blur of dark brown jumped right in front of my Jeep. I didn't even have time to look around, slam on my brakes or swerve out of the way. As quickly as whatever it was came into my view, it was just as quickly gone from my view.

Deer are usually the animals that are often the culprits as well as the victims of the numerous people who occupy the roadways. It seems that when it comes to playing the driving game, deer and other wild animals often lose the battle to humans. However, while it is unfortunate that an animal of any species should be killed by a vehicle, it is sadder still to think that these same animals (who often do not mean any harm) can actually inflict the same type of injury and death upon human beings who are neatly wrapped up inside of what should be a safe vehicle.

Not that long ago, there was an incident in which a woman was driving home at night when a deer jumped in front of her car. She tried to swerve to get out of the way, but she couldn't get out of the way in time. As it turned out, she not only struck the deer, but because of the size of her car (which was small) compared to the size of the deer as well as where the deer struck her vehicle and the speed she was going; both the woman and the deer were killed almost instantly.

When I was a police officer, I had to respond to numerous calls of people hitting deer while driving. In situations like this, I would always make sure that the person or persons was okay first. Then, if the animal was still on the scene, I would see if the animal was still alive. If the animal was in pain or suffering, we were instructed to call a sergeant or other superior to the scene who would then euthanize the animal safely and out of sight of the public eye. If the animal was deceased, then we had access to the local animal safety patrol who would come out and collect the dead animal body from the roadway.

When people hit an animal, it is often very traumatizing. So many of us are animal lovers, that to hit another animal or even kill another animal with our vehicle takes a toll on us personally. We feel guilt-ridden and wonder what we could have done to prevent the accident from having happened in the first place. For starters, if you know that you are going to be driving anywhere and are worried about the possibility of hitting an animal, there are a few things that you should be aware of. For instance, if you are traveling at night by car, know that dusk and nighttime is when deer often come out to feed. They will often stand at the edge of roadways, which means that you should always reduce your speed when coming up to a poorly lit area.

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Why Take Out A Pet Insurance Policy?

It's obvious that you need insurance on your home and car, your health and even your life. But what about another important aspect of your life - your pet?

Pet insurance has grown in popularity as people have realized that health care costs for animals are often as exorbitant as hospital bills for people. Whether you're worried about a chronic health condition like hip dysplasia (common in large dogs) or a random accident, it's important to plan ahead for unforeseen medical costs for all types of pets.

You may be able to get pet insurance through your homeowners' or car insurance; many companies offer pet insurance as an 'add on'. It might be cheaper to go through your existing insurance company, as people with multiple policies through the same organization often receive discounts. If your provider does not have pet insurance, many specialty companies can help - ask your veterinarian to recommend a responsible company.

Whomever you purchase pet insurance from, you will need to make some basic decisions about what type of policy best suits your needs. Usually, there are two basic options: a base plan, which covers your pet in times of extreme illness or injury, and a routine care option, which helps pay for regular vet check-ups as well as major care costs. Some plans will pay for treatments like pet acupuncture and dermatology, while others only cover basic vet visits and common tests. Be sure to ask if your plan covers dental care.

As far as pricing, different plans carry different premiums and give varying amounts of coverage per injury. Some plans have a maximum yearly or lifetime coverage limit, a point at which they will stop paying for any treatment. Be sure you know the specific financial details of whichever plan you select - the last thing you want during a time of a pet crisis is an unpleasant surprise on your bill.

Keep in mind, just like human health insurance, pet insurance almost never covers pre-existing conditions. Some providers also have a maximum age for eligibility. Because of this, it's important to get your pet covered as early as possible, so that any illness they may develop as they age will be fully covered. Also note that most pet insurance policies don't go into effect right away; it may be anywhere from three days to a full month from application before your dog or cat is covered.

Whatever policy you choose, you will rest easier knowing you're prepared for the worst.

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Pet Care: Health and Nutrition Basics

Around the world , there is a general opinion that a pet is like a family member and thus it is extremely essential that we take some care in offering our pet with great upbringing. Even though you may love your pet, you are strictly advised against feeding him with great quantities of food. Nutrition and health forms the necessity components of the strict regimen that pets should follow. One has to be particular about health and nutrition of one’s pet because that will contribute to a fit and playful pet. There are several ways to provide proper care to ones pet, given below are many basic tips to provide good health to your pets.

Food For Dogs

While you might believe in it, there is no one food item that is best suited for every species of dog. Luckily the market is full of many well researched dog food items to choose from. The food chosen should be appropriate for a dog's age. There are two separate nutrient profiles for dogs - one for growth (puppies) and the other for adult maintenance. E.g., While the need for other vitamins and minerals remain same, puppies need higher quantities of protein for their growth whereas adult dogs require higher amount of fat. Cooking for dogs at home is as well one of the best ways to feed them, but certainly not an easy one.

Food For Cats

Unlike dogs who can still eat anything that we humans do, cats have special nutritional needs. Cats need more protein and certain aminoalkanoic acid with fatty acids and also require a preformed Vitamin A content that is present only in foods of animal origin. The food selected should also be proper for cat’s age. While a kitten consuming adult cat food will not get the higher amounts of calories, protein, vitamins, and minerals she needs for proper growth, a adult cat eating kitten food is likely to become overweight. An older cat might need food specially made for her, has fewer calories and is more easily digested.

Food For Birds

Feeding pet birds with the good foods is important for their health. A balanced diet based on sound bird nutrition recommendations is the key for imparting your pet bird with special health. Balancing a parrot's diet from the start may forestall many health and behavior problems but it's never too late to get ones pet bird on a firm nutritional footing.

Food For Fish
No single food item can supply all of the nutrients a fish needs. A food should contain protein, lipides, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals in the forms each species prefer. Hence, the key to provide right food to your pet is variety. Appropriate use of a staple diet, a supplemental diet, vitamin and nutritional supplements will ensure that fish receives all the nutrients necessity for good health. Also, because fish enjoys a spectrum of tastes and textures, change in food enhances the quality of their lives.


For Certain, prevention is better than cure. Preventive health care can save you and your pet from needless suffering and a larger financial burden. Annual physical exams, vaccinations and regular consultations with a veterinarian go a long way in preventing diseases.

Nevertheless, subscribing to a pet care e-newsletter, a magazine or joining an interest group on a networking site will keep you updated on the pet health and nutrition basics.

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How to Give Your Cat Medicine

Have you ever tried to medicate a cat? If you have, you probably have a few scratches to prove it! Cats only want to do something if it's their idea. And, it's never their idea to have a pill pushed down their throat. So, how do you manage getting that medicine into his body without coming out on the wrong side of his claws?

If the medicine is a pill, the easiest way to feed it to her is by putting it into her food. Of course, you'll have to crush it into powder form first. Using two spoons, put the pill into one and use the back of the other to break it down. Then, mix it into her canned cat food. If you only feed her dry food, she'll really think she's getting a treat with doctored up canned food!

If the medicine is a capsule and not a pill, you have it made. All you have to do is take the capsule apart and mix it into the canned cat food.

If you have a sick cat, he won't want to eat. In this case, you might want to purchase a pet piller. Your veterinarian will have these available for you. They are plastic rods that the pill fits into. You press the plunger to direct the pill into kitty's throat. Be careful that you don't push the rod too far or you could injure him.

Now, getting the pet piller into his mouth is another thing. He won't want it in his mouth at all! If he is still a kitten, you can wrap him in a towel so that it's easier to handle him. You can try using a towel with an older cat and it "might" work. Otherwise, you'll just have to hold on tight and not let him loose.

If you're afraid of hurting your cat or kitten with the rod and plunger system, you can try to give him the pill by hand. This is NOT easy! Tuck her under your arm to hold her still and open her mouth by pushing gently on each side of it. Put the pill as far back into her mouth as you can manage and hold her mouth closed for a minute or so. She should swallow it then, if she hasn't already.

If your cat has been sick for a while, it may be easier to give him his medicine. He won't feel like putting up much of a fight.

Treat your kitty gently while giving her the pill or other medications. She's never going to like the medication-taking process, but if you are gentle, you won't have her running from you every time you enter the room.

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Stop Your Puppy From Chewing

One of the most frustrating things about getting a new puppy is their drive to chew. But, you must remember that it is, in fact, a drive. Dogs do not chew things out of spite or malice, they do so out of boredom, loneliness, frustration, teething pains and a compulsion to have fun. Your job as their owner is to give them positive outlets they will prefer over destructive chewing so that they don't chew inappropriately and cause problems at home.

One of the first main mistakes people make when they bring home a new puppy is to give them free reign of the house. Bad idea. When you have brought home an untrained puppy, you can not yet trust him with the responsibility of free reign of the house.

The first step you should take to properly training you new puppy is to give him a designated area of the house that is his to play in. A guest bedroom, a small bathroom, a garage or a basement are all good options if they have been properly puppy-proofed. This is the area he will stay in when you can't keep an eye on him and you can not put him in the yard.

Dogs often chew out of boredom. To keep him entertained, litter his 'room' with all sorts of dog toys that he can safely chew on. There are all sorts of toys out there, from those that are bones or rawhide to those that look like stuffed animals or those that you have to bat around to retrieve treats out of. Make sure he has plenty of positive chew options and no negative options in his room. He will have no choice but to chew on his appropriate chew toys and will associate them with what is allowed to chew on.

One thing to keep in mind is that once a dog chews something and finds that it is pleasurable to do so, it is nearly impossible for him to learn that, so first impressions about chewing are important. Keep anything small enough for your puppy to chew up and put away from him or keep him in an area where those things aren't.

Additionally, make sure that the things you want your dog to chew on are very exciting to play with. You can smear peanut butter into grooved toys, soak rawhides or bones in chicken broth and let them dry out, find toys that are very engaging to play with. Make sure your puppy has a good reason to play with his toys!

Oftentimes, puppies chew near the end of the day, right before you get home from work. They are ready for you to be home to play with and just about can't take it anymore! They are frustrated from anticipating you and have the potential to do some destructive chewing. So, your job as their supportive and smart owner is to harness this frustration. Teach your dog to bring you their toy when you get home. When you walk in from work and they excitedly greet you, do not pay them any attention other than to tell them to find their toy.

Help them find their toys if they need to for the first few days. Once they have gotten that part down, do not do any happy greeting at the end of the day until they have brought you their toy. Then praise them excessively. They will learn that you do not say hello unless they have a toy for you and they will be encouraged to play with their toys close to the time you get home, right when they are most prone to chewing on inappropriate things.

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Parimutuel Betting In Horse And Dog Racing

The thrill of the race has been known to man since time immemorial, if we go by the chariot races of the Romans, or the famous race between the steeds of Norsk god Odin and the giant Hrungnir. The thundering hooves, the sculpted forms flying along the track, and the yells of triumph and disappointment form an intoxicating elixir that has drawn people to the races over centuries and millennia.

Already, the emotions invested in the race are extremely high. It is only logical that people, then, should opt to invest more than merely their emotions in the race. This is what brings us to the origins of betting.

In horse racing, greyhound racing and all other sports where participants finish in ranks, the betting system followed is called pari-mutuel betting. The word "pari-mutuel" comes from a French phrase meaning "mutual stake". This already gives us one basic rule about the process - the betting pool comes from the total amount of money wagered, and the money won is calculated as a percentage of this quantity after deducting the taxes and house "take".

Needless to say, the probability of getting a winning bet is maximized if you bet on the most likely contender, but winnings are the highest when an unknown or unlikely candidate - also known as the "dark horse" - takes the win.

There are several methods of placing bets in pari-mutuel betting, some of which are -

• Win - the wager is placed on the animal that wins the race.

• Exacta, perfecta, or exactor - the bettor places a wager on two animals, declaring which will finish first and which second. The result has to be an exact match for a winning bet. If this is carried on to the winning three or four animals, the bet is known as Trifecta or Superfecta.

• Place - the wager is placed on an animal that finishes either first or second.

• Quinella- This is very similar to the exacta bet, except that the bettor need not specify the order in which the top two animals appear

• Show - the animal that has been wagered on must finish first, second or third.

• Duet - The bettor picks out two animals, and wagers that they will both be placed among the top three.

• Double - the bettor wagers on the animal he thinks will win two successive races. This is called a 'running' double or a 'rolling' double. If this is extended to three or four successive races, it is called a Triple or a Quadrella(also called "Quaddie").

• Box - bettors place multiple wagers, on all possible combinations of a group of animals in the same race.

• Key - the bettor picks one animal to be in a specific position, and a number of other animals to be placed in any combination around it. This is also a multiple wager, and carries the associated higher cost.

• Bets are divided into "straight bets" and "exotic bets". Win, show and place are counted among the former, while all others are classed as "exotic bets".

That gets you started with some basic bets for dog racing and horse racing. Certain tracks may have their own specific bets or names for bets, but with these under your belt you can get ready for a nail-biting thriller at the racetrack.

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Taking Care Of Our Pets In This Economy

We adore our pets for all that they give us. They are our best friends. They are there to greet us when we come back home. They are there when we feel down and need entertaining up. They can be our motivation to take that run each morning. As much love as our pets give us, we want to show them that we care too.

Frontline plus best costs can be found all over the Net. Infrequently we just can't afford the care that we actually want to provide for our best mate. Vets can be very costly. You should purchase pet insurance to make the expenses more cost-effective, but this will still be out of your price range. Everyone has to economize on costs solely to get by occasionally. This does not imply that your pet has to suffer.

There are many reputable online stores that deliver top quality medicines right to your door. Some will supply inducements for using their site over another's by giving coupons, free shipping, and kickbacks for bigger orders, bonuses and rewards points. Rewards can be added up for great refunds and free items.

Auto-delivery systems will deliver the pets drugs by your choice of frequency. If you decide to use the 3 month supply of Frontline Plus and you choose auto-delivery, then you can mechanically get the drugs every 3 months. This keeps you from having lapses in giving your pet their drugs.

Some net sites will give a motivation for using their auto-delivery systems. Frontline plus best price can be a discount for using the auto-delivery system. If you order a one time delivery of a 3 month supply, you may pay $29.99 plus shipping and handling. With the auto-delivery system, the price can be changed in different ways. It may be only $21.99 for each cargo and shipping and handling. It may be $21.99 and shipping free and handling.

If you are able to afford to buy in bulk it'll be much less expensive in the longer term. Using the Net gives you many options in having the ability to look after your best friend.

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More pet owners are walking their pets with these fashionable strollers.

Are you considering purchasing a pet stroller for your dog? Our pet strollers are the perfect solution. Take into consideration where you are likely to use your pet stroller. Strollers for pets have only recently started to be fashionable, but there aren't many pet shops that will offer that sort of products, and shops that do, sell them for a good deal of money. Pet strollers come in many sizes and styles and with many different features. All that you need is a pet that travels and visits people very well and the help of a terrific pet stroller. If you have a cat or a small dog who likes to travel with you, it can be possible to take them along with the help of the Walk & roll pet stroller. In their case, you can look into the terrific SUV size pet stroller, which can hold up to approximately fifty pounds. Some pet strollers are equipped with a lift out basket that can be used as a car restraint as well as a convenient carrier. Little pups as well as other pets fit comfortably in the lift out basket style stroller. With these strollers, you can wheel your pets right into the room and let them hang out with everyone, all while never getting onto the furniture or getting too close to the other guests. Bring small or large pets on tour in a stylish designer pet stroller. They are not specific to the type of pet, but some pet strollers are better suited for your dog than other stroller models.

One common mistake first-time buyers make when selecting a pet stroller is that they concentrate only on the weight of their pet. Unless your dog is particularly small, you'll want to consider a more spacious dog stroller that permits your pooch to easily move around and comfortably sprawl. If your dog is smaller than 20 pounds, you may wish to consider strollers suited for smaller animals. Comfort is the main consideration so make sure you choose a pet stroller that is appropriate for the size and weight of your pet. These pet strollers provide safe enclosures for your small dog or cat on long journeys outdoors. Small pets are fond of sports strollers too.

And if you're purchasing a stroller for a puppy, don't forget to account for their future growth. (And don't let the "Kittywalk" brand name fool you--these strollers are well-built and are very suitable for dogs. Dog strollers must be built to withstand whatever your dog can dish out. The best strollers feature rugged netting or webbing that resists your dog's chewing or clawing and a sturdy frame that keeps your dog safe when he gets excited and bounces inside his stroller. There are a huge number of pet strollers like jogging, collapsible, detachable, foldable, bike-attachable, and miscellaneous others.

Some pet lovers want to keep their dogs enclosed, ensuring their dog doesn't jump out of the stroller and that humans or aggressive dogs cannot get in. Other pet lovers want a stroller that opens, allowing their dog to get more sun and to interact with the world. Pet strollers are open-faced, caged, multi-pet compatible, weight-dependent, two-wheeled, four-wheeled, attachable to bikes, and clunky, aerodynamic, or just standard-grade in efficiency and motion against heavy winds. Wheels should be able to withstand rocks, pebbles, patches of dirt, and litter and have some kind of turning radius in place to deal with the unavoidable, unforeseen pet stroller perils. If trail hiking and camping is in your future a pet stroller with large all terrain wheels may be the stroller for you and your pet. Features of pet strollers include harness-attachable belts, ventilated roofs, snack trays and treat holders; let’s not forget collapsible and foldable frames when they’re not being put to use. If you are a city walker with only paved surfaces in your walks then an all terrain pet stroller would not be necessary.

Pet strollers are the hippest trends in pet ventures. It sounds strange, but more pet owners are walking their pets with these fashionable strollers. Pets should be able to move comfortably around in your pet stroller with enough room to lay down, turn around, sit and stand with ease. Open-air and mesh carrier strollers are cool too. Multi-colored, padded pet strollers are making waves in dog parks, dog communities, and pet training centers across the nation. The indoor cat will love pet strollers because of the new, yet safe, experiences they will encounter. These strollers are great fun for going to the veterinarian. Pet strollers will make life for your pooch or kitty much more awesome. Pet Strollers are becoming more common and popular Just a couple of years ago there was a single brand and style of pet stroller available, and now pet strollers come in a variety of shapes and sizes to fit virtually any pet need.

The Happy Trails PLUS pink pet stroller is suited for pets up to 30 pounds, collapses for easy transport and storage, and comes with a wind & rain cover to keep your dog or cat safe and dry in inclement weather. We will only offer pet strollers in which we'd trust our own pets. We have the lowest prices around on the best selection of other dog strollers. Most people will find their dogs adjust quickly to their pet strollers, but if you are concerned your dog might not be so quick to warm up, don't worry. Choosing the best pet stroller for your pet can be a little bit like trying to pick out pet health insurance with all the options available today it’s a bit confusing. Pet strollers are great for older, less mobile pets as well as cats, bunnies, all kinds of pets. Getting the right stroller for your pet will almost guarantee your pet will enjoy your outings together.
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Animal Pain Relief: No Frills Rehabilitation For Your Pets

When I was a little girl, I loved horses. I guess that's the end of my dreams of winning competitions. We lived in a small ranch and horses just run around in our place. I never had to think about horse joint pain and horse pain relief because my parents always took care of the horses. After proving to my parents that I can maintain and train a horse, they surprised me with a beautiful show He was a dear when I was raising him. For our regular exercise, we went to the trails near our ranch; that's after I saddle trained him, of course. My horse, Bailey, slipped and fell hard on his front knees while we were walking on the trail. He fell hard on a jagged rock and his knee suffered a big cut. We followed the vet's orders and thankfully, his knee fully recovered but it appeared that he was limping with the bad knee.
We became stronger after the accident. I felt that Bailey truly became my pet after that. I began to think of horse joint pain and pet pain relief all the time. I started looking on the web to see if there was anything I could do to alleviate the horse joint pain he was feeling, after all Bailey was supposed to be a show horse. Weeks after my long drawn search for answers, I chanced upon the Animal Fitness Centre site. As I go over the site, there seemed to be a lot I could do for Bailey. I got all excited and my hopes are up again for Bailey's horse joint pain.
Dr. Ava Fricks staff set up a day so they could evaluate Bailey. Everybody was really nice and helpful. According to Dr. Frick, Bailey had equine arthritis and this is what's causing the horse joint pain. She assured me that she could help with Baileys horse joint pain. She told me she had cases of horses that have equine paralysis. Recovery is almost 100%.Animal pain relief is her specialization and she uses pet chiropractic and modern technology treatments such as pet water treadmill, physical therapy, nutrition and herbal remedies.
The staff at the Animal Fitness center did a massage treatment on Bailey; this kind of physical therapy was something we can do at home. We brought Bailey in for the treatments, for pet pain, we couldnt do at home and before we knew it he needed fewer and fewer treatments. In between treatments at Animal Fitness Center and our home, Bailey has been walking limp free for six months.
Were going to be starting competition soon and hope to be bringing many ribbons home.
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The Value Of Using A Pet Collar On Your Dog

pup collar can be made of plastic, leather or a cloth and should be positioned circumnavigating a dog’s neck to keep the dog from getting out of the yard. A dog collar is widely used for a number of specific uses. Some owners use a dog collar to tie up the dog and take him/her on a stroll; owners adore canines and therefore desire to keep them from escaping. It can be overwhelming to lose your dog for this reason.

Owners who love giant dogs (Great Danes, Bulldogs, or German shepherds, for example) would want to get a leather collar because leather is very strong. Furthermore, many like the look of leather over other materials. As long as the dog does not pull the chain, which is tied to the collar, the leather collar should not get torn. Although owners who have smaller canines like a Pomeranian would be more well suited with a cloth or nylon-webbed dog collar. These are usually cheaper and available in smaller sizes for smaller breed pups such as the Pomeranian. Since many small canines are not strong enough to tear through a collar, for smaller pups, these nylon or cloth collars are one of the better choices. These collars come in a myriad of colors, designs, and sizes. Not only are there a myriad of colors but there are also florescent collars that shine in the dark so that the owner can see his/her pup no matter what.

Collars do not only come in different styles and sizes made to fit certain breeds; they are also comprised to help with other purposes. a couple of collars are adorned with studs or other decorations that can add a glittering effect; especially if the dog is a female. These studs, however, are not just for decoration purposes. Studs are sometimes used to ensure the health of the dog in case another dog tries to bite the pup that wears the decorated collar.

On top of colors and decorations, canine collars can also come with pest killing agents on them. Typically, these medicated collars are dipped in a solution that kills fleas. Additionally, medicated collars are used to help a dog’s suffering from affected areas of skin. The pesticides that are distributed through the color is in low doses and lingers for a few months.

Canine collars can also be used for coaching purposes. These collars are in most cases used exclusively for training and slipped off when not in training. These collars should never be to choke the animal; there have been fatalities due to an over-tightened collar fastened to the dog’s neck. It is important that this collar be used in conjunction with training only. If you feel confused about how to use the collar, you should consult a dog trainer on the web or at a specialized training program.

Pup collars are an essential component to dog ownership. Not only is it safe for your dog to be on a leash, it is also safe for other people. Often, collars are made to attach a tag on the dog that has on it their owner’s home location and phone number if the dog loses its way. This very feature has helped many canines to be placed back with their owners after getting disoriented.
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Getting a New Puppy? Consider the Loyal German Shepherd

If you are considering getting a new puppy or a dog, especially one of the larger dog breeds, you may want to consider getting a German Shepherd. They are one of the most popular breeds in the world, beautiful, highly intelligent, and easy to train. They are best known to many as working dogs, working with the police department, military, and as service dogs to the blind.

The average life span of a German Shepherd is about twelve years of age, with middle age arriving at around seven or eight years of age. Generally, a GSD puppy will be close to its adult height around ten to eighteen months of age, but it can take up to three years for a male, or two for a female, to be considered completely mature.

Once you have decided specifically what type of German Shepherd (such as age, sex, etc.) you are looking for and have prepared your home for the arrival of your new companion, now its time to start your search. There are many places you can find your new German Shepherd puppy or dog but probably the best place to start your search is through a German Shepherd rescue organization.

There are a wide variety of sources on the internet and in your local area that rescue German Shepherds from numerous situations and they are always seeking to place these dogs in good, stable homes. Even if the type of GSD you are seeking is not immediately available, German Shepherds become available everyday so just give it a little time before you move on to the next option.

You can also use the internet to seek out local German Shepherd breeders in your area. When purchasing from a GSD breeder, be sure to observe the conditions of the kennel and the temperament of all the dogs and puppies on site. The average litter of German Shepherds is around eight puppies, so you should have several to select from if a litter is close to the age of being able to be sold or adopted out.

Wherever you find the German Shepherd of your dreams, be sure to spend some time with your dog before you bring him/her home. You need to be sure that the temperament and activity level of your new GSD will fit well with your own particular living situation. Good luck choosing your new German Shepherd companion and friend! A little preparation ahead of time will make a world of difference for both of you in the future.
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Online Pet Store - Animal Tips

It's accurate that pets enjoy playing outdoors, afterall it's only human beings who domesticate animals and remove them from their natural habitat.

Although many cats do return home naturally, many cats get lost, run over by cars, and run away from home. Since pet owners have to face these problematic situations, they decide to completely house their cats without allowing them to leave home. Pet Owners need to learn that placing your cat on a leash (not yet socially accepted in North America) can in fact save your pet's life, and also help you assert control over your cat (not an obedient animal by nature, like dogs; who challenge for control, but will often submit control to the right owner).

If your dog is aggressive by nature, it's better to keep a mouth guard in your dog in order to prevent your pet from biting or attacking another human being. Allow your pet to socialize with other pets. When using a leash to walk your pet, do not let your pet lead you, place the leash around your waist and lead your pet by pacing back and forth every 10-15 seconds; this stimulates your pet to understand that they should always follow your lead. Use hand signals along with voice communication such as stop or sit; treats are an excellent way to get your pet to listen, but do not rely on treats for constant reinforcement, this can teach your pet that they will always be rewarded for their behavior and will only listen when awarded. Eventually and early in your pet's life, eliminate treats completely, it is heavily considered pet junk food, and is not a good way to teach your pet good behavior. Use objects such as poles when carrying your pet by leash and have them follow you around poles while you run, grab onto their collar and pull them up aggressively when they do not listen to your commands and are being disobedient and behaving poorly, this is a punishment procedure.

Never hit your pet, this is extremely poor behavior and teaches your pet to lash out violently against others.

Always allow your pet to go outdoors, don't keep them indoors, but learn that with proper training to your pet; you will be able to allow them to freely roam without being afraid for their and others' safety. If you feel unsafe letting them go off leash, make sure to undergo the proper training techniques, it is beneficial to have an obedient pet instead of an nuisance.
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Are you looking for natural heartworm prevention for dogs? If so, it is probably because you have heard of the harsh side effects than can occur from using traditional veterinarian medicines. You are smart enough to realize that heartworms can be serious business and that many of the traditional medicines contain pesticides which are what causes the harsh side effects in some dogs. Natural heartworm prevention for dogs can be safe and very effective.

There is no better time to help your pet than today so let’s get to it. Imagine being able to provide safe and effective treatment with natural heartworm prevention for dogs and save a few bucks in the process.


Heartworm season runs from one month before mosquito season until one month following mosquito season.


Heartworms are caused in our pets when our pets are bitten by mosquitoes which have become infected with heartworms from biting other infected animals. A number of animals can be host to heartworms. They include dogs, cats, wolves, coyotes, foxes, ferrets, sea lions and even humans. When the infected mosquito bites our pets the mosquito deposits larvae into the skin of our pets. The larvae are from the parasitic roundworm known as dirofilaria immitis. The larvae migrate to the heart and within 6 months they hatch or transform into worms that look like pieces of thread. The heartworms can in found in the chambers of the heart and in the two main arteries leading to the heart (Pulmonary artery and vena cava). From there they move to other parts of the body including the lungs and liver.

Because mosquitoes are the culprit in infecting our dogs by biting them some people are now giving their dogs garlic to enable the dog to put of a pungent odor from the skin that mosquitoes are thought to avoid.


Because many veterinarians now recognize that long term use of preventative medications can cause side effects in our pets many people are turning to alternative methods to prevent heartworms. The methods will help overall but you should discuss using them with your vet.

Provide a healthy diet. Many people are now avoiding commercial pet food and feeding their pets natural vegetables, fruits, and raw meat

Boost your pet’s immune system

Strengthen your pet’s heart and circulatory system

In areas where heartworms are prevalent think about regular de-worming

Black walnut extract and garlic are also being used as preventatives

Prevention is much cheaper than treatment at the vet’s office

For other great information on pet illnesses and home remedies read on thru the last paragraph and click on the links. Great secrets await that will help with caring for your pets and saving mega bucks on vet bills.
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Pet Treat Recipe

We all love to give our pets a snack or treat from time to time. The key to any pet treat is to make it healthy and nutritious. Although most pets love table scraps and leftovers, they don't always provide the best ingredients for your pet, especially if they are over weight.

A little fat is good for most dogs and cats since it's a necessary ingredient and a natural component of a good diet. But giving large quantities of fat often will cause your pet long-term health problems. Obesity in household pets can shorten life spans and increase the chance of kidney and liver problems. Not to mention expensive Vet bills for treatment of these common ailments

Many of the commercial pet treats have ingredients like sugar, fat, animal byproducts that are not a good thing for your pets. There are a few that have started to make more healthy food and treats but can be very pricey. Look at the cost per ounce or pound the next time you go shopping, I'll bet you can get steak for less money.

An easy way to make sure your pet gets healthy treats and not break the household budget is to make them yourself. Here's a good and healthy Pet Treat Recipe that you can make for your pet:


1 lb of chicken wings, chicken liver and gizzards ground well (bones and all)
16 oz can of Mackerel finely chopped
1 cup of wheat germ
1 cup of powdered skim milk
1 cup of corn meal
4 cups of wheat flour
½ teaspoon of salt
4 tablespoons of vegetable oil or butter
3 cloves of minced garlic
1 quart of water

Combine ingredients and mix into dough. Knead until firm. Roll out to flat ½ inch thick, then cut into strips or use choice of cookie cutter. Place on cookie trays and bake at 350 for about 40 minutes or until crisp. Break into bite sized pieces for your pet. Store in airtight container and refrigerate if keeping for longer than 3-4 days.

If you want a less crunchy result, add 2-3 eggs. It will make it softer and easier for older animals to chew. I got this pet treat recipe from a country vet years ago. This mixture contains about 36% protein and 17% fat, which is a good mix for both cats and dogs.

All natural ingredients, no filler, and a good nutritional mix for pet treats. Cost is about 10% of same quantity of store bought treats witch have nowhere near the food and nutrition content. You could also use some chicken broth in place of the water to crank up the flavor.

This is a great activity for a rainy day with the kids. You can make cookies for the kids and treats for the animals at the same time. One batch lasts about 10 days around our house with a dog and two cats. We make some treats in the shape of dog bones for the dog and small squares for the cats.

Try out this Pet Treat Recipe and use these treats instead of giving table scraps or leftovers. The homemade treats are much more healthy and will not add on the extra weight like the leftovers. Our pets know when we are baking them and come sit and wait for the treats to be ready.
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Can Animal Communication Be Healthy?

The obvious answer is that with animal communication we can help our animals to be balanced both physically and emotionally. But to day I want to look at why animal communication is healthy for the humans.

Good animal communicators are so because they have learnt how to calm and still their minds. This is the key to accurate communication.

We can only truly put our feeling attention towards an animal to communicate with them when our own minds are still. In what way can this be healthy for us?

Our own thinking can seriously effect our health. When we creating negative thoughts and feelings this damages our being. Science would describe this as stress having a direct impact on our immune systems.

Animal communication involves the calming and clearing of the mind and this in turn helps us to see the world in a different way one that is more relaxed and stress free.

Imagine this, you have a thousand thoughts a day that create stress. In your practice of animal communication you reduce these thoughts by five hundred. No great equation here! You will be fifty percent less stressed and healthier! I know that this sound every so simple but the effect of a calmer thinking pattern can literally transform our lives.

We have seen that the people who join us to learn animal communication don't just get good at communication but they change as people. Becoming less reactional and this in turn produces more patients and understanding.

A good way to explain this from another perspective is, when we have our attention with another being we are in a selfless state. As a posed to when we are in emotional thinking which is very much in our selves we are in a selfish place of being!

If you want to be healthier then then it all starts with your thoughts. Learning animal communication does not just give you the ability to help the animals around you, it also gives you a more positive mind set!
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Malicious Asbestos Exposure & your Pets

Pets are a source of relaxation and care. It is a great source of stress buster that helps you get back to normalcy. Where an individual is not careful about his health, people at home and even pets are exposed to health hazards which can be as serious as cancer.

Asbestos Exposure and Pets

Not just humans; even pets on exposure to asbestos fiber particles are prone to the risk of developing Mesothelioma cancer. It is one of the dreaded diseases. A rare form of cancer is said to be developed due to exposure to asbestos particles. Though certain other reasons are quoted, the prime reason is normallyasbestos exposure.

Did you ever have a pet? As far as contracting mesothelioma cancer is concerned it happens both by way of owner causing second hand exposure to households and pets carrying asbestos particles when they come home after they spend time outside. Hence one should be very careful about where the pets go about roaming. We normally tend to allow pets to roam around our houses without restriction, when such is the case it becomes important also to monitor their health and hygiene.

Health Hazards due to Asbestos Exposure in Pets

If you have a question whether pets contract mesothelioma like human beings the answer is yes. Like human beings pets like dogs contract the disease much the same way as humans. While in humans the symptoms are likely to surface atleast 30 to 50 years afterasbestos exposure, in pets like dogs the onset begins in period of 8 years. You might doubt whether mesothelioma cancer is contagious? It is true that like any other cancer even mesothelioma is not contagious, but yes if the owner carries the asbestos particles back home in his clothes, he also sends across the disease to his/her most loved pet.

The chances of contracting mesothelioma is more in the case of male dogs than females just like human beings, or that is what the statistics till date tells us. However, veterinarians of the opinion the chances of contracting the disease is the same both in younger and older dogs. They also state that other thanasbestos exposure, exposure to toxic materials like pentachlorophenol also lead to mesothelioma cancer.

The chances of the cancer occurring in the pleura, the lining of the lungs in pets like dogs is more common than in pericardium and peritoneum. The symptoms of having contracted mesothelioma are possibly visible a month before diagnosis.

Pulmonary effusion, water clogging around the lungs and shortness of breath are common symptoms of the disease both in humans and pets like dogs. These symptoms lead to other changes in the health and routine of pets and humans.
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Older Animals and Pet Meds: Harm or Help?

For many years, veterinarians have been trying to figure out how to extend the life of the pets that we love so much. There is nothing more heart-wrenching than owning an older animal, and having to watch them deteriorate with age. Owners are willing to do anything to prolong the quality of life for their pets, and in some cases, pet meds can help. However, in certain situations, pet meds can do more harm than good. This decision is one best made by your veterinarian, and yourself, in a discussion about what is best for your pet individually depending on their age and health.

The chief ailments in aging pets include joint inflammation, arthritis and hip dysplasia. For these ailments, there are anti-inflammatories and pain medications that can help better the quality of life in aging pets. Just like humans, pets have many similar ailments, and aging owners know how painful arthritis and joint inflammation can be. In many cases, medications are a healthy and proactive way of making pets more comfortable throughout their golden years.

For younger pet owners, it is important to mention the use of supplements to use throughout your pets life, in an effort to increase bone density and keep joints, skin and bones healthier longer. This is helpful for when a pet reaches a senior status. With helpful supplements throughout their life, their body will be less likely to encounter ailments as they increase with age. However, it is best to speak with your veterinarian to decide which supplements are best to use, and when you should start using them. Generally speaking, puppies and kittens do not require the use of supplements for their bones and joints. It is also important to remember that certain brands of veterinarian pet food already include supplements for aging or senior animals.

Heartworm is another disease that senior pet owners need to be aware of. Heartworm is more common in older animals, but it is important to start protecting your pet from heartworms at a younger. Heartworm medication is a one-time medication, usually given orally once a year. This protection is inexpensive and can drastically prolong the life of your pet by providing a longer, higher quality life.

Other aging pet meds include bladder control medications, which can help the less desirable effects of aging in home-bound animals. A senior pet that was once fully house trained could suddenly have incontinence issues, and bladder control medications can drastically improve the quality of life for your pet and make you much happier as well.

There are a variety of ailments that can require the usage of steroids as well. However, steroids can cause renal failure in dogs and cats when used for long periods of time. It is important though, to realize that while steroids may shave time off the end of your pet’s life, the medication can improve the quality of life exponentially, providing for a higher quality of life for the time your pet is alive.

It is important to remember that even senior animals require flea and tick control treatments to ward off those nasty, annoying bugs. Fleas and ticks can spread disease on animals similar to the way they do to humans, by biting their skin. You can easily avoid many diseases that are flea and tick spread by using topical or oral treatments to ward off those unfriendly invaders.

Many of the medications used by animals are also used on humans. It is surprising to hear your doctor prescribe the same medication your own family physician has prescribed to you. Most medications for pets, while being similar to human usage, are dosed quite differently for pets. If you give your aging or younger pet medication that is not the correct dosage, or is not appropriate for their specific ailment, you can possibly do more harm than good, and, unlike humans, your pet will not be able to tell you when they are not feeling well due to your mistake.

There are many pet medication websites available on the Internet. While they offer incredible deals on pet medications, it is important to look for a few things before you purchase medications. You should first require a prescription from a veterinarian to purchase any medication that is not over the counter. Most over the counter medications such as supplements, flea and tick control medications, heartworm medications and skin treatments as well as certain shampoos. However, just like for humans, narcotics, arthritis medications, joint medications and other medications that you would normally get from a doctor are by prescription only. If you can easily purchase these medications from a website without a prescription from a vet, then look elsewhere for an online pet medication website.
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Consider Being a Veterinary Technologist if You Love Animals

This two-year Associate's Degree program is ideally suited to anyone who is interested in helping animals and wants a steady, reliable job without the long years and heavy investment needed to become a veterinarian. If you love working with animals and are looking for a fast track to a career working with them, consider becoming a veterinary technologist.

The duties of a veterinary technologist are very similar to those of a nurse or physician's assistant for a medical doctor. If you work as a veterinary technologist in a veterinarian's office or animal clinic, you will spend part of your time doing crucial paperwork and part of your time working directly with pets of all shapes and sizes. A typical day might include filling out charts and documents, scheduling appointments and updating patient records. Or, you may help in collecting specimens, blood draws and skin scrapings for lab tests. You may even assist in preparing animals, lab equipment and instruments for surgery and other procedures. Other tasks include grooming animals and assisting with routine procedures such as vaccinations, taking x-rays and performing lab tests.

Because there are so many different responsibilities, a veterinary technologist needs to be able to juggle many different tasks and delegate responsibilities effectively. Decision making skills are very important, as is attention to detail. Medical charts must be accurate and readable to avoid the possibility of errors in treatment. A love of animals is, of course, essential to anyone pursuing a degree in veterinary technology. You will spend most of your time around animals and should have a soothing personality for pets in distress, as well as their owners.

There are many career options available for anyone with a veterinary technology Associate's Degree. While the majority of graduates will work in a veterinarian's office or animal clinic, there are also many opportunities in other areas. If you are interested in medical research or the sciences, there are many research facilities that rely on veterinary technologists to take care of animals in their biomedical research facilities. In this capacity, you would oversee all work with animals to make sure humane care is provided and track all research protocols for the supervising scientists.

You can combine a love for the outdoors or wildlife with your career by working at a zoo or wildlife park. Many veterinary technologists work behind the scenes at zoos doing everything from preparing special diets for animals to taking care of newborn animals. Larger cities with professionally staffed Humane Societies or SPCA's often recruit vet techs with Associate's Degrees to assist in caring for the many abused or abandoned animals that come to them. This is a particularly rewarding but taxing job that involves a great deal of healthcare work.

Many people don't realize that pet food and pet supply companies also need veterinary technologists for their Research and Development divisions. These companies are always looking for ways to improve the quality and appeal of products like dog treats, cat food and pet toys. They need staff members who can work with their products and their "testing panel" of animals to determine what is most attractive and also healthiest for their target customers.

A career as a veterinary technologist requires a two year Associate's Degree, which you should seek from a technical school that is approved by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). The program will consist of basic courses in math and business as well as more intensive courses in areas such as zoology, anesthesiology, pharmacology, animal nursing, surgical principles, comparative anatomy, public health and more. You will also be required to serve an externship during which you'll put what you've learned into practice under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian.

If veterinary technology sounds like an exciting career for you, check into various health and business schools in your area. Many of these will offer a vet tech program. Also contact animal hospitals, clinics and veterinarians who can suggest good vet tech programs in your area.
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Caring for Your Companion Animal: Selecting a Boca Raton Animal Hospital and a Boca Raton Veterinari

If you are the owner of a pet or a companion animal, you more than likely consider your furry friend (or your animal friend that may be lacking in fur) as a full member of your family. As a consequence, you naturally will want to make certain that your pet has access to the very best in health care, the very best when it comes to a Boca Ration animal hospital and a Boca Raton veterinarian.

There are a number of factors that you undoubtedly will want to keep in mind when it comes to selecting a Boca Raton animal hospital and a Boca Raton veterinarian for the healthcare related needs of your beloved pet. First on the list is experience and reputation. Naturally, you want to make sure that you are accessing healthcare for your pet from an experienced and reputable animal hospital and vet. You do not want to enlist a provider of any type that does not have an established track record for providing top notch services to companion animals of different types.

Next on this list is the issue of accessibility. As with humans, pets can encounter serious medical emergencies at any time - day or night. Therefore, you want to make certain that you identify a Boca Raton animal hospital and a Boca Raton veterinarian that can arrange not only for preventative care appointments but also has resources available to deal with and resolve emergency issues in a most timely manner.

An example of a full service provider in Boca Raton is TLC Animal Hospital. TLC Boca Raton Animal Hospital provides a complete array of animal healthcare and emergency services including:

Routine exams
In-house laboratory
Elective surgery

Naturally, in this day and age, pet owners do need to keep an eye on the bottom line as well. While you naturally do not want to fail to obtain appropriate healthcare and medical treatments for your companion animal, you want to make sure that you access the most affordable veterinarian care possible. Therefore, you will want to do a bit of shopping around as well to find the most reasonably priced Boca Raton animal hospital and Boca Ration veterinarian options that are available to you and your pet today offering Pet Boarding, Pet Daycare - Doggie Daycare, Pet Friendly Hotels, Pet Grooming - Pet Salons, Pet Stores - Pet Boutiques, Pet Trainers-Animal Trainers, Pet Walkers - Pet Sitters. There are many reasonably rated and priced service providers doing business in Boca Raton today. You will find that you do not have to sacrifice quality care in the name of saving money ... you can accomplish both today in Boca Raton.

By following the tips and suggestions outlined for you in this article, you will be in the best possible position to access the most appropriate and suitable care for your pet. In the end, you will be taking an affirmative step towards ensuring that your pet has a long and healthy life. You will be taking an important step towards ensuring that your pet will be a happy part of your life for many years to come.

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Animal Testing - Support Brands Not Tested on Animals

In 1988, I chose to spend an evening viewing Victor Schonfeld's "The Animals Film." This was a strange and revelatory experience. Sitting in front of a small screen, the history of animal exploitation flickered before my eyes. From the first steps in the 1930's when farm animals were crowded indoors for reasons other than winter, to dog and cock fighting, bear baiting, fox hunting and hare coursing, to name but a few. I already knew of this – who doesn't – but I wasn't prepared for one of the most disturbing examples of humanities grim cruelty toward animals, vivisection. Until then, I had an image of science as a dynamic, progressive, frontier-expanding activity, and of its practitioners as dedicated teams of rational, open-minded professionals whose motivation was highly moral and whose concern was to benefit humanity. Much of the evidence presented in this film suggested quite the contrary, with the main beneficiary of these tests being the company profit margin.

It is not difficult to understand why animals are treated so indifferently in a society where the powerful minority holds the majority in similar contempt. What is hard is to break the circle of unthinking cruelty, and this can only be done as people begin to question the accepted values of our way of life and the grim fact of our endemic destructiveness. Here, as with other conflicts, we must build our conceptual bridges with the resources of our age. Puzzling and agonizing though these clashes often are, we know we must somehow deal with them by working out; how we should ideally think about the world and relate to animals.

The way we think about the world has a fundamental impact on decisions concerning the treatment of animals and our relationship with them. Given the importance of this, it is somewhat surprising to contemplate that the majority of people never question the way they think about the world. In many cases the world is a place where everything is 'natural' and 'inevitable.' We seem to have an astonishing ability to close our eyes to the truth, to live in a world of delusions and make-believe. These characteristics, shared to a greater or lesser extent by all of us, have helped to create a sick planet and a great deal of suffering to animals.

If everybody showed respect and had compassion for the nonhuman world, the earth would then undoubtedly become a more balanced and healthier place to live. Furthermore, if people maintain that compassion they will automatically free themselves from their mental patterns of ignorance. Knowing what is beneficial to yourself and others, and being able to do it, is wisdom, which cuts through our fundamental ignorance. Indeed, "The greatest knowledge we can posses, Socrates maintained, the only knowledge that matters a damn, is the awareness of our boundless, fathomless ignorance."

Essentially, what needs to be done is not that particularly difficult, it is just a matter of a simple turn-around in attitude. Just because the way we think about animals has been inoculated culturally (and not programmed into us genetically as those who take part in blood sports occasionally claim), does not mean the disease is not treatable. If changed attitudes then lead not only changes in our personal lives but also to policy changes at the corporate and government level, indeed we have cause for hope. As civilisations advance, the trend must always be toward increasing humanity and compassion, and deceasing cruelty and exploitation.

People need to educate themselves about vivisection and pass on this information to friends and family. It is only our ignorance on the issue that perpetuates this cruel and barbaric practice. Something can always be done if the will of the majority dictates it. You can find out more about vivisection from any of the following organisations: British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection; Dr Hadwen Trust; Doctors and Lawyers for Responsible Medicine; Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments; National Anti-Vivisection Society; People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals; The Humane Research Trust; Uncaged. There is also a selection of informative short videos on You Tube, just enter vivisection or animal testing/experimentation.

One of the most effective ways of turning changed attitudes into positive, concrete actions is by buying products not tested on animals. The grim fact is that all too many companies still test their final products and ingredients on live animals. Buying products that are cruelty free demonstrates to those companies that continue to test that you will not be supporting them. Nowadays, it's very easy to find products not tested on animals and these can easily be found on the internet (i.e. Caring Consumer, Go Cruelty Free, Leaping Bunny, Uncaged, etc), in whole-food and 'alternative' shops, and increasingly in some supermarkets (i.e. all Co-op own brands are not tested on animals).

Unlike so many other animal abuses, the issue of using animals in product testing is one that ultimately rests with consumers. Reliance on animal testing methods for cosmetic and household products will continue unless concerned citizens speak out with their purchasing power. By making informed humane choices and encouraging others to do the same, individuals can push for an end to product testing and stop the needless suffering of countless animals each year.

Laboratory animals do not have a voice, so we must use our purchasing power to speak out for them.

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Dog Obedience Training in Toronto

Searching for dog obedience training in Toronto is not a tough task. It’s a dog loving city and there’s enough dog obedience training facilities and services in Toronto for anyone who needs them. So much so, that the problem dog owners face isn’t finding a company that offers dog obedience training, but finding the right one.

However, regardless of which service you choose in Toronto, there’s one simple fact you should know to get more from your dog’s training. The fact is that no obedience training service, regardless of how good they are, can train your dog without your help. Even if your dog received the best obedience training in the world, if you don’t treat your pet the right way when he comes home, all the training could go to waste.

The reason is that not only does your dog need obedience training, but so do you. You need to learn to relate to your dog in a way that the he understands best and responds to the most. It’s one of the basic reasons why dog’s need to go to obedience training in the first place. If dog owners knew more about how to relate to a dog in ways that the dog can better appreciate, there would be significantly less need for obedience training.

In the wild, dogs get along just fine without “obedience training”. They usually don’t run away from home (their pack), they usually don’t bite other dogs in the pack, other than play biting, and they don’t bark constantly for no apparent reason. So what is it about Toronto that makes dogs need obedience training?

It’s not the city, it’s the environment in which dog’s learn in our homes. That’s the point –when we get a new pet, we bring them into our home and relate to them as we relate to others in our home. The problem is, your dog’s idea of your home is different to yours. While your new pet quickly looks on your home as his home, that is, his home as he thinks it should be by instinct, which is a dog pack. Your dog looks upon you and your family as his dog pack. Unless you have a little canine in you, you probably don’t run your home the way a dog pack operates. And that’s often the basic reason why you need obedience training for your dog.

If your home ran more like a dog pack, at least in the eyes of your dog, he would have less need for obedience training. Fortunately, it doesn’t mean your family needs to live in the forest and eat on all fours. Your dog quickly learns to enjoy the comforts and protection your home offers, so the surroundings don’t need to change – and neither do your eating habits.

Every dog pack has a leader, or alpha dog. The alpha dog’s leadership is rarely questioned and, if it is, the pack member who did so pays a high price. It is your dog’s instinct to live in a pack with a leader. If a pack has no leader, your dog will try to assume the role of leader – not because they are power hungry, but the instinct to live in a pack with an alpha dog is so strong that, in the absence of one, your dog is compelled to fill the gap, to try to be the leader.

Get into the head of your dog; pretend you are your dog. Those funny looking creatures who walk on two legs are your pack – cool! One talks to you in a high voice and another keeps giving you food. You must be the leader.

While it’s not quite that simple, the result isn’t far from the truth. If you are not clearly the leader of the pack in your dog’s mind, it can cause confusion for your dog, which you perceive to be behavioural problems. You try to correct a problem, but your dog does not recognize you as the leader, or sees himself as the leader, and acts accordingly.

Before you go out looking for dog behaviour training in Toronto, make sure you get the most from the training your dog receives by clearly establishing yourself as the leader of your dog’s pack.

Dog owners looking for dog obedience training in Toronto should talk to the dog training experts at Alpha Paws.

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Dog Training Secrets and Behavior Problems

Dog Training Secrets and Behavior Problems

There is nothing more irritating then a mans best friend with behavior problems. Not only can it be very stressful at times but it can also be embarrassing and annoying. I have searched and searched for good information and teaching to help me with my dog issues.

I found a good book that covers several dog training secrets called Secrets To Dog Training. After purchasing this wonderful book I have learned how to train my dog just like the professionals do. No more of those unwanted behaviors in public places or when company comes over. It offers a 100% 60 day money back guarantee.

This book will walk you through several steps such as teaching your dog good manners, tricks, how to deal with aggression problems, all those little house training methods and much much more! Purchase this book today like I did and you will have the most useful tips right at hand! Happy dog training!!

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Why Higher Brix Readings in Forage Makes Animal Raising More Profitable?

The Brix reading on a plant is an indication of its nutrient content. Whilst the reading is often considered as the sugar content in that part of the plant being tested, it actually refers to the total amount of soluble solids, that is, sugars along with plant proteins, vitamins, and minerals. The higher the Brix reading the greater is the amount of nutrients.
A Brix reading lower than 10 tells the farmer that the plant lacks nutrients. It must be said that although there may be an abundant supply of nutrients in the soil, it is still common to get low Brix readings. The desirable reading is one above 12, which indicates a robust and nutrient-rich plant. In addition to high nutrient content, high Brix indicates a bigger specific gravity and less water in the plant fluids.
High-Brix plants have also been observed to demonstrate greatly improved resistance against the majority of insects that feed on plant sap such as aphids, cucumber beetles, white flies, potato beetles, leafhoppers and other sap suckers.
If people were to eat high Brix foods, they would obtain much more nutrition than from low Brix foods from equal quantities. It can happen that less amounts of high Brix food will be needed to provide the same level of nutrition they are getting now. The same thing would be happen among livestock and other animals.
Merlin Nussbaum, a farmer of 20 years' experience and currently working as an agricultural consultant, has worked with many farmers rearing livestock and producing animal feeds. In his work, he has seen first-hand the more effective resistance to pests in high Brix crops. Nussbaum still remembers a crop of alfalfa that registered a Brix reading of 16 a few years ago (the consistent observation among savvy farmers is that plants with at least 12 Brix exhibit high pest resistance). In this particular alfalfa field, the consultant distinctly observed that there were many leafhoppers massing on the boundaries but the insects simply would not enter the field.
The absence of infestation in the alfalfa field resulted in a large yield and greater profitability for the crop. If this had been a forage crop, the farmer would have reaped a very nutritious and bountiful harvest. Such a harvest would have provided a lot of nutrients at a low effective cost when fed to livestock. The animals would achieve good body weights from a lower-cost feed input, making the enterprise much more profitable.
It has also been observed that when given high Brix grass, cows eat only half of the amount of grass they would eat when fed low Brix grass. The pasture, which had a high Brix, consisted of various grasses including fescue and timothy. In this case, the cost of forage fed to the cows was immediately reduced by half.
Dairy cattle fed with high Brix grasses increased the quantity of their milk production. The cattle were healthier because of the nutritious food, resulting in vastly lower veterinary bills for the farmer. In addition, the milk produced had a yellower, creamier colour, a desirable quality attributed to more carotene contained in the high Brix grass.
High Brix forage thus increases production in farm animals even as it lowers production costs. The combination of these factors adds up to more profits for the farmer.

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