
Helpful Tips When Moving With Pets

Pets need routine. They are creatures of habit. This is the reason why their routine must never be disrupted as much as possible even if a person is preparing to move out. Although a person is quite busy with packing his things and making arrangements for the upcoming move, he must never forget to carry out his normal activities with his pet. A good example would be continuing the morning walk with a dog or feeding them at their normal feeding time and others.

What if a person is just too busy during the move?

If during the day and days of your move, a person can’t just find the time to follow his routine with his pet, it is suggested that he asks a family member to look out for the needs of the pet. If there is nobody in the family to take care of the pet, a person can ask a professional pet service for the move. A person will not have difficulty looking for one because they are always in every city and small towns all over the US. They also offer door-to-door service.

Here are few tips to remember:

1. Many pets can feel very scared during a move because of all the irregular activities. A person must always keep watch on his pet because he might run away. He must never leave his door open because his pet might run away and will be gone forever. If a pet runs away during the moving day, a person might not have the time to search for his lost pet because of the limited travel time. A good suggestion would be to arrange for the pet to be boarded until a person has moved into his new home and settled well.

2. If a pet has always traveled with its owner, then it might be used to being in a car. However, a person must remember that there is a big difference between long and short travels with a pet. It might become agitated and would behave differently during a long trip to an unfamiliar place.

If a person shall be moving to a location that involves long hours of traveling, it is better that he would give his pet enough water and food a few hours before leaving. A person might put his pet on a cage during the road trip. He must make sure that his pet can be comfortable inside its cage with proper ventilation and enough space for it to move around. It is also recommended that a person add a newspaper or other absorbent material as padding. Adding a favorite toy during the moving day can also provide a sense of security to the pet.

3. A person must feed his pet only once during the road trip. The pet must also be exercised and be put in a leash. Wandering around strange territories would result in his pet getting lost easily without a leash.

4. During the road trip, a person must never let his pet hang his head out of the window while the car is in motion. Doing so would cause it sore eyes, ears and throat, and other ailments. Moreover, there is also the possibility that a pet could jump out of the open window.

5. He must also never leave his pet in a hot car during the summer time or in a cold car in the winter. If it is really a hot day, better make sure that the car is parked in the shade, the car doors locked and the windows cracked open for ventilation. However, if it is extremely hot, it is recommended that he doesn’t leave his pet in the car.

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