Summertime means that you and your family, including pets, will be spending more time outdoors. However, the new season can also bring along dangers for our pets, and the last thing you would want is to have an accident. The death of one of your beloved pets along with a summertime pet memorial
is not a good summer memory. Here are some tips to help your family stay safe this summer, especially your pets.
How You Can Help Fight Animal Cruelty
Animal cruelty is something that is close to many people's hearts. Many think of it as an abuse that is akin to child abuse, since animals are also defenseless against the hands or neglect of humans.
It tends to rouse similar anger and outrage as well, and there are now many agencies that are set up to help prevent animal cruelty, and also shelters where rescued animals find solace and comfort from their abusive or neglectful environments.
Years ago, there were not even any laws set up to protect animals from abuse, and abusers were able to get away with doing just about anything they wanted without consequence.
Now, there are animal protection laws set up in almost every state, and if you are found guilty of inhumane treatment of an animal, you are subject to anything from fines to community service, to jail time.
While we've come a long way in legislating animal protection laws, there is still room for improvement, as they are not stiff enough penalties in most people's eyes, and it seems that it's still taken rather lightly.
While I'm not aligned with the extreme mentality of animal rights groups that preach vegetarianism and use tactics that I don't deem appropriate to get their point across, I certainly admire what they are trying to do, which is drawing attention to the animal kingdom and getting the word out that our furry friends need our help when they do not have a voice of their own to defend themselves.
One can read about stories of inhumane treatment weekly in any newspaper, and some of the stories are enough to make one nauseous. There are stories of animals left in homes without food or water, in their own waste and crawling with fleas and ticks, stories of farm animals abandoned, neglected, underfed and abused, and horrifying tales of household pets being beaten, starved, deprived of care, and even killed at the hands of the very people who are supposed to take care of them, that all still need to be addressed.
There are some steps you can take to make sure you are not a silent voice in the quest to prevent animal cruelty, you just need to be aware of your surroundings and know what to look for.
You can report any suspicions to the local police, or if you have an agency that works with abused animals, you can call on them to investigate and rectify also, usually the APL (Animal Protective League) and other similar shelters and animal rights nonprofit organizations will be able to help as well.
Some of the signs to look for you may already know, as most people who are animal lovers have a built in instinct for knowing when an animal has been abused or neglected. Many animals who have been physically abused will be hand shy.
They will not want to come near you or any other person, and may be especially leery of their owners or react in an aggressive way toward them or others.
While this does not always indicate abuse, as some animals are just tempered that way, it is a good underlying factor to look at when determining if an animal has been physically abused.
If an animal has patches of fur missing or looks extremely thin, or even if they are overrun with fleas, this may indicate neglect. Another one to look for is animals that you see outside on extremely cold days, tied to a chain for hours without any warm shelter. This is dangerous and can be abuse if the animal does not have a place of shelter to retreat to.
Likewise if they are left chained outside for hours without food or water - water of course being the most vital of the two. Use your judgment, there are always animals that may be acclimated to certain situations, but if you consistently see this, and are suspicious it may be worth an investigation by an officer of an animal protection agency or the police department.
Of course the most obvious thing to look out for is actually witnessing an act of animal abuse. If you see a person physically assaulting an animal, please make sure you report this immediately, as this is the most blatant and obvious form of animal abuse and certainly warrants a report for investigation.
If we all do our part in preventing animal cruelty, we can make this world a better and safer place for our furry friends who entrust us with their life and well being. If we don't look out for them
, who will?
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It tends to rouse similar anger and outrage as well, and there are now many agencies that are set up to help prevent animal cruelty, and also shelters where rescued animals find solace and comfort from their abusive or neglectful environments.
Years ago, there were not even any laws set up to protect animals from abuse, and abusers were able to get away with doing just about anything they wanted without consequence.
Now, there are animal protection laws set up in almost every state, and if you are found guilty of inhumane treatment of an animal, you are subject to anything from fines to community service, to jail time.
While we've come a long way in legislating animal protection laws, there is still room for improvement, as they are not stiff enough penalties in most people's eyes, and it seems that it's still taken rather lightly.
While I'm not aligned with the extreme mentality of animal rights groups that preach vegetarianism and use tactics that I don't deem appropriate to get their point across, I certainly admire what they are trying to do, which is drawing attention to the animal kingdom and getting the word out that our furry friends need our help when they do not have a voice of their own to defend themselves.
One can read about stories of inhumane treatment weekly in any newspaper, and some of the stories are enough to make one nauseous. There are stories of animals left in homes without food or water, in their own waste and crawling with fleas and ticks, stories of farm animals abandoned, neglected, underfed and abused, and horrifying tales of household pets being beaten, starved, deprived of care, and even killed at the hands of the very people who are supposed to take care of them, that all still need to be addressed.
There are some steps you can take to make sure you are not a silent voice in the quest to prevent animal cruelty, you just need to be aware of your surroundings and know what to look for.
You can report any suspicions to the local police, or if you have an agency that works with abused animals, you can call on them to investigate and rectify also, usually the APL (Animal Protective League) and other similar shelters and animal rights nonprofit organizations will be able to help as well.
Some of the signs to look for you may already know, as most people who are animal lovers have a built in instinct for knowing when an animal has been abused or neglected. Many animals who have been physically abused will be hand shy.
They will not want to come near you or any other person, and may be especially leery of their owners or react in an aggressive way toward them or others.
While this does not always indicate abuse, as some animals are just tempered that way, it is a good underlying factor to look at when determining if an animal has been physically abused.
If an animal has patches of fur missing or looks extremely thin, or even if they are overrun with fleas, this may indicate neglect. Another one to look for is animals that you see outside on extremely cold days, tied to a chain for hours without any warm shelter. This is dangerous and can be abuse if the animal does not have a place of shelter to retreat to.
Likewise if they are left chained outside for hours without food or water - water of course being the most vital of the two. Use your judgment, there are always animals that may be acclimated to certain situations, but if you consistently see this, and are suspicious it may be worth an investigation by an officer of an animal protection agency or the police department.
Of course the most obvious thing to look out for is actually witnessing an act of animal abuse. If you see a person physically assaulting an animal, please make sure you report this immediately, as this is the most blatant and obvious form of animal abuse and certainly warrants a report for investigation.
If we all do our part in preventing animal cruelty, we can make this world a better and safer place for our furry friends who entrust us with their life and well being. If we don't look out for them
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Animals in Captivity
Almost every kid can think back to their childhood and recall a Sunday trip to the Zoo, a family vacation to Sea World, or even to Disney's Animal Kingdom Park. The size and ferocity of animals in these habitats leave even adults amazed and in awe, but when you visit a zoo, Sea World, or another man made animal habitat, does it ever cross your mind how the animals feel to live day after day in the same small enclosure?
Whether or not animals belong in captivity has been a debate for years. Caging wild animals may have serious consequences as animals are deprived of their natural environmental, psychological and social surroundings. In essence, caging wild animals is similar to caging a human for no other reason than to gawk at its peculiarity. Caging wild animals is similar to jailing the innocent or simply put, inhumane.
Recent events however may prove that animals should not be held in captivity. Just a few years ago, a 17-year old boy was killed and two other men severely injured when a 350 pound Siberian Tiger mauled all three of them at the San Francisco Zoo.
In 2003, a white tiger attacked Roy Horn of Siegfried and Roy during one of their famous Las Vegas magic shows. Luckily Roy survived the attack but was left severely injured and disabled.
Most recently, a killer whale
attacked and killed one of its trainers at Sea World in Orlando, Florida while practicing a routine performed daily at the establishment. The attack was bloody and violent. It was surely no accident on the part of Tilikum the whale. No one may ever know what triggers captive animals to become suddenly aggressive. It may be argued that these animals are forced to act on their instinctive frustrations on helpless individuals because they have no other options when caged in these enclosures.
There is of course an argument as to why animals should be held captive ? conservation. There are hundreds of endangered species that are only alive today because their species were preserved in man-made environments. In addition to preventing the depletion of certain species, conservation parks and zoos allow for education of animal preservers and veterinarians. If these places didn't exist it is possible that many species we know today would also not exist, leaving a whole in the environmental food chain.
There is no doubt that the death of innocent individuals by captive animals is unfortunate and possibly preventable. Who is to say, though, that these animals would have not found innocent individuals to attack elsewhere? No one knows what may happen if animals were never held in captivity, but the fact is that much more is known about these animals by studying them in captivity - facts that will hopefully be used to prevent future animal attacks.
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Whether or not animals belong in captivity has been a debate for years. Caging wild animals may have serious consequences as animals are deprived of their natural environmental, psychological and social surroundings. In essence, caging wild animals is similar to caging a human for no other reason than to gawk at its peculiarity. Caging wild animals is similar to jailing the innocent or simply put, inhumane.
Recent events however may prove that animals should not be held in captivity. Just a few years ago, a 17-year old boy was killed and two other men severely injured when a 350 pound Siberian Tiger mauled all three of them at the San Francisco Zoo.
In 2003, a white tiger attacked Roy Horn of Siegfried and Roy during one of their famous Las Vegas magic shows. Luckily Roy survived the attack but was left severely injured and disabled.
Most recently, a killer whale
attacked and killed one of its trainers at Sea World in Orlando, Florida while practicing a routine performed daily at the establishment. The attack was bloody and violent. It was surely no accident on the part of Tilikum the whale. No one may ever know what triggers captive animals to become suddenly aggressive. It may be argued that these animals are forced to act on their instinctive frustrations on helpless individuals because they have no other options when caged in these enclosures.
There is of course an argument as to why animals should be held captive ? conservation. There are hundreds of endangered species that are only alive today because their species were preserved in man-made environments. In addition to preventing the depletion of certain species, conservation parks and zoos allow for education of animal preservers and veterinarians. If these places didn't exist it is possible that many species we know today would also not exist, leaving a whole in the environmental food chain.
There is no doubt that the death of innocent individuals by captive animals is unfortunate and possibly preventable. Who is to say, though, that these animals would have not found innocent individuals to attack elsewhere? No one knows what may happen if animals were never held in captivity, but the fact is that much more is known about these animals by studying them in captivity - facts that will hopefully be used to prevent future animal attacks.
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Monitoring Your Pets and Petsitters
For many people, their pets are extensions of their family. They are not just furry friends; they are more like children. When you are around, you can lavish them with love and attention but what about when you are away from home, at work or on vacation? What do your pets get into when you are away? And if you are hiring a petsitter to look after your animals while you are on vacation, how do you know that they are getting proper care and attention in your absence? One way to check up is to have a camera monitoring system. It can provide you with peace of mind while you are away from home.
Why Would you Need to Monitor Your Pets While at Work?
How do you find out how your pets are behaving after you drive off to work each day? Do they sit at the gate and howl until they hear you coming back up the driveway? Do they go digging in the garden? Or do they jump the fence and go wandering around the neighborhood? Imagine being a neighbor that works from home or being at home for the day because you are sick. Instead of having some suburban peace and quiet to either work or recuperate, you have to endure a day of incessant howling or barking. Most often if you take this up with your neighbor they will deny it, claiming their dogs never howl or bark. Perhaps the more accurate response is that they don't behave like that when the pet owners are home but they can become absolute brats when they are left on their own.
Keeping the Peace with Your Neighbors
If you have ever gotten a complaint like that, then the only way you can really establish what is happening while you are away is to monitor your premises using a camera. If you do discover that your pets are disrupting the neighborhood, you can then take action and work towards changing your pet's behavior. You may also owe your neighbors an apology. On the other hand, the camera footage may show that delinquent neighborhood kids are teasing your pets and making them bark. In this case, your pets are acting normally and you can resolve the issue by talking to the parents of the kids who are causing the situation.
Reasons for Monitoring Petsitters
Anyone who has trained their pet knows that it takes a lot of time and effort to get animals to behave properly. At the same time, it only takes one person to undo the good work by introducing some bad habits or ignoring the house rules.
For example, suppose you have two large dogs and they have been trained from a young age that they may come inside the house when you are there but they may never jump up onto the bed or sofas. Your petsitter love dogs so much that he or she doesn't mind your dogs cuddling up to them on the sofa and in fact, may even encourage it. You return from a two-week vacation and suddenly your two dogs are so in the habit of jumping up on the sofa that they don't even remember that you don't allow it. When you try to correct your pets' behavior, they probably won't understand why they suddenly are no longer allowed on the sofa. You will then have a big task on your hands as you try to retrain them in your house rules. If you have a monitoring system, you can pick up on the first day what bad habits your petsitter is introducing. You can contact your petsitter immediately and ask them to rectify the situation so that it doesn't get entrenched as a bad habit that you have undo upon your return
Making Sure Your Pets are Well Cared for When you are Away
You may also have set feeding times for your pets. A monitoring system could give you peace of mind to know the petsitter adheres to this and feeds them the proper amount at the proper time. It's not uncommon for petsitters to get lazy and come in every second day and just leave an extra amount of food instead of dropping by every day and spending some time with the pets. Pets become attached to their owners and when you are away, it's not enough just to make sure they're fed; you also have to be sure that you petsitter is giving them some attention.
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Why Would you Need to Monitor Your Pets While at Work?
How do you find out how your pets are behaving after you drive off to work each day? Do they sit at the gate and howl until they hear you coming back up the driveway? Do they go digging in the garden? Or do they jump the fence and go wandering around the neighborhood? Imagine being a neighbor that works from home or being at home for the day because you are sick. Instead of having some suburban peace and quiet to either work or recuperate, you have to endure a day of incessant howling or barking. Most often if you take this up with your neighbor they will deny it, claiming their dogs never howl or bark. Perhaps the more accurate response is that they don't behave like that when the pet owners are home but they can become absolute brats when they are left on their own.
Keeping the Peace with Your Neighbors
If you have ever gotten a complaint like that, then the only way you can really establish what is happening while you are away is to monitor your premises using a camera. If you do discover that your pets are disrupting the neighborhood, you can then take action and work towards changing your pet's behavior. You may also owe your neighbors an apology. On the other hand, the camera footage may show that delinquent neighborhood kids are teasing your pets and making them bark. In this case, your pets are acting normally and you can resolve the issue by talking to the parents of the kids who are causing the situation.
Reasons for Monitoring Petsitters
Anyone who has trained their pet knows that it takes a lot of time and effort to get animals to behave properly. At the same time, it only takes one person to undo the good work by introducing some bad habits or ignoring the house rules.
For example, suppose you have two large dogs and they have been trained from a young age that they may come inside the house when you are there but they may never jump up onto the bed or sofas. Your petsitter love dogs so much that he or she doesn't mind your dogs cuddling up to them on the sofa and in fact, may even encourage it. You return from a two-week vacation and suddenly your two dogs are so in the habit of jumping up on the sofa that they don't even remember that you don't allow it. When you try to correct your pets' behavior, they probably won't understand why they suddenly are no longer allowed on the sofa. You will then have a big task on your hands as you try to retrain them in your house rules. If you have a monitoring system, you can pick up on the first day what bad habits your petsitter is introducing. You can contact your petsitter immediately and ask them to rectify the situation so that it doesn't get entrenched as a bad habit that you have undo upon your return
Making Sure Your Pets are Well Cared for When you are Away
You may also have set feeding times for your pets. A monitoring system could give you peace of mind to know the petsitter adheres to this and feeds them the proper amount at the proper time. It's not uncommon for petsitters to get lazy and come in every second day and just leave an extra amount of food instead of dropping by every day and spending some time with the pets. Pets become attached to their owners and when you are away, it's not enough just to make sure they're fed; you also have to be sure that you petsitter is giving them some attention.
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Essential Factors On Creating Great Homemade Dog Food
If you are like me, you love your pet and want the very best for them. We provide them with wonderful homes, groom them well and feed them with what we think are the best dog food in the market today. Well, the home and grooming is great; but did you know that homemade food may be a better alternative to most of the goods you see on grocery aisles? That's right; give the best by giving homemade pet food to your beloved pet.
One thing you have to remember with homemade dog food is that this is not derived from the leftover table scraps of your previous dinner. Some people think that the pieces left on the plates like seed, inedible stems and the like can be fed to the pet, but this is not so. Unless your meals comprise of healthy and low sodium sources, it is best to serve your dog a well made food plan you have prepared specially for him.
You will need to remember to stay away from certain food when feeding your canine namely: chocolates, lunch meat and ham, sauces, cheese and spicy food. This will mess up your dog?s digestive system, and in some cases, even prove to be fatal. Include instead grains like rice, barley, oatmeal and buckwheat in the diet. Put in pieces of savory meat and other protein rich sources of food. Ensure that they are all thoroughly cooked and sufficiently cut up.
You can also take in fresh fruits and vegetables in his diet plan. Finely chop or mash the pieces of vegetables you are adding into the mix. Try giving broccoli, carrots, seaweed and bananas together with the starched ingredients. The nutrients it will give will benefit him greatly. Aside from the great homemade pet food, consider also giving your pet special canine supplements to fill in his other nutritional requirements. Always advise your veterinarian before changing anything.
The rule of thumb is that homemade and store bought food should not be served simultaneously to the pet. Oftentimes, the result of this will be indigestion and maybe food allergies. If Fido has been feeding on a certain brand of dog food and you want to start weaning him off it, do so gradually. Begin by handing him small snacks in between the regular food you serve. If there are no unfavorable physical reactions forthcoming, slowly decrease the volume of processed dog food and increase the quantity of fresh fare being given.
The good news is, you don?t have to worry about the bother of preparing your dog?s food every day. What you can do is to take the healthy leftovers from the family dinner table the past few days and convert it to a week?s worth of tasty canine snacks. Change the menu frequently to lower the risk of your pet acquiring food allergies. Also, this will make mealtimes more interesting to the animal as well.
Serving up delicious homemade dog food is not only a healthier alternative; it may save you some extra cash as well. Use the savings for dogie treats and entertainment you and your beloved pet can enjoy. Now if that doesn't get an excited yip from you and your dog, I don?t know what will.
One thing you have to remember with homemade dog food is that this is not derived from the leftover table scraps of your previous dinner. Some people think that the pieces left on the plates like seed, inedible stems and the like can be fed to the pet, but this is not so. Unless your meals comprise of healthy and low sodium sources, it is best to serve your dog a well made food plan you have prepared specially for him.
You will need to remember to stay away from certain food when feeding your canine namely: chocolates, lunch meat and ham, sauces, cheese and spicy food. This will mess up your dog?s digestive system, and in some cases, even prove to be fatal. Include instead grains like rice, barley, oatmeal and buckwheat in the diet. Put in pieces of savory meat and other protein rich sources of food. Ensure that they are all thoroughly cooked and sufficiently cut up.
You can also take in fresh fruits and vegetables in his diet plan. Finely chop or mash the pieces of vegetables you are adding into the mix. Try giving broccoli, carrots, seaweed and bananas together with the starched ingredients. The nutrients it will give will benefit him greatly. Aside from the great homemade pet food, consider also giving your pet special canine supplements to fill in his other nutritional requirements. Always advise your veterinarian before changing anything.
The rule of thumb is that homemade and store bought food should not be served simultaneously to the pet. Oftentimes, the result of this will be indigestion and maybe food allergies. If Fido has been feeding on a certain brand of dog food and you want to start weaning him off it, do so gradually. Begin by handing him small snacks in between the regular food you serve. If there are no unfavorable physical reactions forthcoming, slowly decrease the volume of processed dog food and increase the quantity of fresh fare being given.
The good news is, you don?t have to worry about the bother of preparing your dog?s food every day. What you can do is to take the healthy leftovers from the family dinner table the past few days and convert it to a week?s worth of tasty canine snacks. Change the menu frequently to lower the risk of your pet acquiring food allergies. Also, this will make mealtimes more interesting to the animal as well.
Serving up delicious homemade dog food is not only a healthier alternative; it may save you some extra cash as well. Use the savings for dogie treats and entertainment you and your beloved pet can enjoy. Now if that doesn't get an excited yip from you and your dog, I don?t know what will.
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Dog Training At Home Tips And Techniques
You can form a long and happy relationship with your dog using techniques proven by years of experience by dog training experts. It won’t happen overnight; patience, time, and persistence are necessary. Dogs are very loyal and intelligent. Lifetime bonds between a master and his canine friend are normal.
Dog training not only involves the owner or handler, but also anyone that cares for your pet. Everyone in the dog’s “pack” must know the correct commands. Using different commands for a desired act is very frustrating for your dog. It is best to use single word commands like ‘come’ and ‘down’, but you must be persistent. Using ‘come’ one day and ‘here’ the next will only frustrate your dog. Consistency in punishment is also important. If you punish your dog for an act, make sure you punish your dog every time he commits that same act. “Letting things slide” is a very poor dog training practice. Uniformity is very important in training your dog how to behave.
When your dog does something right or acts properly, always give praise in a happy tone. Be happy and friendly with your dog. On the other hand, when he does something wrong, a stern word or phrase will let him know you are not happy. Never hit your dog. Rolled up newspapers will only make him aggressive and prone to biting.
If you want your dog to be part of the family, you must treat him as a family member. Dogs are pack animals, and they have a need to be part of the family. A dog must learn his place in your “pack”. Locking your dog in the garage, or keeping him outside all day will only make him lonely and frustrated. He will not know where he stands in your pack, and will not know the proper pack behavior. He must learn that he is beneath the family children in the pack hierarchy.
It is very important that your dog’s life include playtime, walks, and exercise. A tired dog is a happy dog. Be sure to introduce your dog to other people and other dogs. To have a happy and well-behaved dog, include him in your gatherings with family and friends whenever possible. A lonely dog is not a happy dog. Provide outlets for stress, boredom, and frustrations. Occasionally make slight changes to his routine. Take him to doggy day care to meet new friends, or the dog park for a change of pace.
Dog training requires consistency and patience. A well-behaved, well-adjusted, and happy pet will be your reward.
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Dog training not only involves the owner or handler, but also anyone that cares for your pet. Everyone in the dog’s “pack” must know the correct commands. Using different commands for a desired act is very frustrating for your dog. It is best to use single word commands like ‘come’ and ‘down’, but you must be persistent. Using ‘come’ one day and ‘here’ the next will only frustrate your dog. Consistency in punishment is also important. If you punish your dog for an act, make sure you punish your dog every time he commits that same act. “Letting things slide” is a very poor dog training practice. Uniformity is very important in training your dog how to behave.
When your dog does something right or acts properly, always give praise in a happy tone. Be happy and friendly with your dog. On the other hand, when he does something wrong, a stern word or phrase will let him know you are not happy. Never hit your dog. Rolled up newspapers will only make him aggressive and prone to biting.
If you want your dog to be part of the family, you must treat him as a family member. Dogs are pack animals, and they have a need to be part of the family. A dog must learn his place in your “pack”. Locking your dog in the garage, or keeping him outside all day will only make him lonely and frustrated. He will not know where he stands in your pack, and will not know the proper pack behavior. He must learn that he is beneath the family children in the pack hierarchy.
It is very important that your dog’s life include playtime, walks, and exercise. A tired dog is a happy dog. Be sure to introduce your dog to other people and other dogs. To have a happy and well-behaved dog, include him in your gatherings with family and friends whenever possible. A lonely dog is not a happy dog. Provide outlets for stress, boredom, and frustrations. Occasionally make slight changes to his routine. Take him to doggy day care to meet new friends, or the dog park for a change of pace.
Dog training requires consistency and patience. A well-behaved, well-adjusted, and happy pet will be your reward.
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10 Key Questions To Ask Before You Buy Pet Insurance
If your bones and joints are strong and flexible, they move smoothly. And that means life can be fun, and appreciated fully. But for one in seven people, movement is restricted by a musculoskeletal disorder - arthritis, back pain, fracture, osteoporosis, or sports trauma. Faced with such pain and discomfort, you may be pleased to pay £3,500 for orthopaedic surgery or hydrotherapy to get those painful joints flexible again. But would you be so willing to spend the same money on your pet Labrador?
Veterinary care has developed fast over the last 10 years and as pets get older they are increasingly likely to suffer illness that can be lengthy and expensive to treat. Take diabetes for example. It's relatively common in dogs over the age of 6 and whilst it can be successfully treated, the treatment is ongoing and expensive – one vet estimated that treatment could cost around £2,500 per year. Eczema is yet another condition which can require a long period of treatment.
But as with humans, pets can require emergency treatment at any time. In fact one in three pets make an unplanned visit to the vet every year (source Mintel). Labradors and Golden Retrievers can have conditions such progressive retinal atrophy, Setters can get canine leucocyte adhesion deficiency (can someone tell me what that is?!), Alsations are prone to hip dysplasia and Boxers and Spaniels are susceptible to dodgy hearts. And then there are always those accidents and scrapes in which our pets are so likely to become involved. Your puss may have nine lives but you might have nine vets' bills! With a series of x-rays costing £400 and an MRI scan putting you back £1,500 the case for pet insurance becomes compelling.
Against this background, pet insurance is becoming the fastest growing form of insurance in the UK. Halifax, Petplan, PDSA, Petwise, Sainsburys and Marks and Spencers are all names in the market. Indeed, competition for your business is so fierce there are over 60 mainline insurers offering over 220 different policies. This flood of choice makes the job of choosing a policy somewhat complicated.
So lets try and keep things simple. Pet Plans fall into three basic groups. The first limits the amount paid per condition; the second limits the total paid annually; and the third and usually cheaper, but only suitable for one-off emergencies, limits the claim to per condition per 12 months. Not too good for diabetes!
So faced with all this choice what should you look out for? Here's 10 key questions to ask:
• Are claims covered annually or on a “per condition” basis?
• If the cover is “per condition”, what is the time limit?
• What is the excess per claim?
• Find out if your breed of pet is susceptible to any hereditary condition and whether the plan will cover that. For dogs you'll find information about hereditary conditions at and for cats try
• What is the £ limit on vets' fees?
• Does the insurance plan cover the cost of advertising and rewards if you pet is lost or stolen?
• If you are in hospital does the insurance cover kennel or cattery fees? Some plans will payout after the owner has been in hospital for a minimum number of days.
• Is your dog covered for third party liability? Remember, if your dog causes damage or injury you personally, could be liable for damages.
• If you pet has to have urgent surgery shortly before you are due to go on holiday, will the plan pay your holiday cancellation costs?
• Does the plan make a payout if your pet dies?
Where can you find this information? Surprisingly, vets are not always that helpful. They normally carry details of one or two plans but are rarely up to date with the pet insurance market generally. Not surprising really with all the developments in veterinary treatments to keep abreast of!
No, the Internet is the best source of information. Search for pet, dog or cat insurance and you'll find all the information you need. It might take you an hour or so to search out the answers to the key questions but it will be worth it in the end.
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Veterinary care has developed fast over the last 10 years and as pets get older they are increasingly likely to suffer illness that can be lengthy and expensive to treat. Take diabetes for example. It's relatively common in dogs over the age of 6 and whilst it can be successfully treated, the treatment is ongoing and expensive – one vet estimated that treatment could cost around £2,500 per year. Eczema is yet another condition which can require a long period of treatment.
But as with humans, pets can require emergency treatment at any time. In fact one in three pets make an unplanned visit to the vet every year (source Mintel). Labradors and Golden Retrievers can have conditions such progressive retinal atrophy, Setters can get canine leucocyte adhesion deficiency (can someone tell me what that is?!), Alsations are prone to hip dysplasia and Boxers and Spaniels are susceptible to dodgy hearts. And then there are always those accidents and scrapes in which our pets are so likely to become involved. Your puss may have nine lives but you might have nine vets' bills! With a series of x-rays costing £400 and an MRI scan putting you back £1,500 the case for pet insurance becomes compelling.
Against this background, pet insurance is becoming the fastest growing form of insurance in the UK. Halifax, Petplan, PDSA, Petwise, Sainsburys and Marks and Spencers are all names in the market. Indeed, competition for your business is so fierce there are over 60 mainline insurers offering over 220 different policies. This flood of choice makes the job of choosing a policy somewhat complicated.
So lets try and keep things simple. Pet Plans fall into three basic groups. The first limits the amount paid per condition; the second limits the total paid annually; and the third and usually cheaper, but only suitable for one-off emergencies, limits the claim to per condition per 12 months. Not too good for diabetes!
So faced with all this choice what should you look out for? Here's 10 key questions to ask:
• Are claims covered annually or on a “per condition” basis?
• If the cover is “per condition”, what is the time limit?
• What is the excess per claim?
• Find out if your breed of pet is susceptible to any hereditary condition and whether the plan will cover that. For dogs you'll find information about hereditary conditions at and for cats try
• What is the £ limit on vets' fees?
• Does the insurance plan cover the cost of advertising and rewards if you pet is lost or stolen?
• If you are in hospital does the insurance cover kennel or cattery fees? Some plans will payout after the owner has been in hospital for a minimum number of days.
• Is your dog covered for third party liability? Remember, if your dog causes damage or injury you personally, could be liable for damages.
• If you pet has to have urgent surgery shortly before you are due to go on holiday, will the plan pay your holiday cancellation costs?
• Does the plan make a payout if your pet dies?
Where can you find this information? Surprisingly, vets are not always that helpful. They normally carry details of one or two plans but are rarely up to date with the pet insurance market generally. Not surprising really with all the developments in veterinary treatments to keep abreast of!
No, the Internet is the best source of information. Search for pet, dog or cat insurance and you'll find all the information you need. It might take you an hour or so to search out the answers to the key questions but it will be worth it in the end.
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Before You Get A Cute Pet Bunny
The bunny might be one of the most misunderstood of all house pets. Bunnies may possibly appear cute and cuddly, although beneath that fuzzy exterior is an animal that does not turn into an idyllic pet for every household. Pet shops may demonstrate good-looking, lovable-looking rabbits, more than ever right ahead of Easter, hoping to persuade parents to acquire one for their kids, although this can be a enormously big mistake.
One of the key reason why bunnies do not turn into delightful pets for children is that the majority bunnies do not like being picked up and cuddled. They are prey animals by nature, and in the wild they be obliged to constantly be watchful for predators that want to kill and eat them. If a pet bunny is abruptly startled by a child grabbing at it, the bunny is likely to revert to its instincts and struggle to defend itself by biting, kicking and scratching. As a consequence those soft and friendly-looking rabbits have incredibly razor-sharp teeth and nails and strong leg muscles.
Bunnies furthermore are community animals, and if they are kept alone in a cage the majority of the time they turn out to be discontented. They require at least two or three hours of exercise every day. This means being let hop round the house, everywhere they can be able to chew up furniture, computer cables or electrical wiring if they are not supervised by a responsible person.
Since a healthy bunny can live as long as ten years, they must on no account be purchased on a urge. More accurately, they should be seen as a long-term liability. Rabbits need a special food intake that includes hay and fresh vegetables as well as a small amount of specialized rabbit food on a daily basis.
Whilst people get pet rabbits without knowing all the nuisance they are getting themselves into, they possibly will be tempted to let loose their unwelcome bunny out into the wild, such as a close by park. This often leads to tragedy, as abandoned rabbits often fall prey to being bump into by motor vehicles, killed and eaten by raccoons, coyotes, dogs or feral cats. If they survive to hit upon a warren of rabbits, they are just as liable to be injured or killed as an uninvited intruder. If they in some way survive they will likely turn out to be a pest by eating park plants and then invading neighborhood gardens.
For somebody who has learned the essentials and still wants a bunny for a house pet, they should know that across the country there are various animal shelters where rescued bunnies may be adopted or fostered on a lasting or temporary basis.
Bunnies can make excellent, devoted companions and convey much joy to lots of households, but a rapport with a bunny is not something that must be entered into without prudent consideration and consideration.
One of the key reason why bunnies do not turn into delightful pets for children is that the majority bunnies do not like being picked up and cuddled. They are prey animals by nature, and in the wild they be obliged to constantly be watchful for predators that want to kill and eat them. If a pet bunny is abruptly startled by a child grabbing at it, the bunny is likely to revert to its instincts and struggle to defend itself by biting, kicking and scratching. As a consequence those soft and friendly-looking rabbits have incredibly razor-sharp teeth and nails and strong leg muscles.
Bunnies furthermore are community animals, and if they are kept alone in a cage the majority of the time they turn out to be discontented. They require at least two or three hours of exercise every day. This means being let hop round the house, everywhere they can be able to chew up furniture, computer cables or electrical wiring if they are not supervised by a responsible person.
Since a healthy bunny can live as long as ten years, they must on no account be purchased on a urge. More accurately, they should be seen as a long-term liability. Rabbits need a special food intake that includes hay and fresh vegetables as well as a small amount of specialized rabbit food on a daily basis.
Whilst people get pet rabbits without knowing all the nuisance they are getting themselves into, they possibly will be tempted to let loose their unwelcome bunny out into the wild, such as a close by park. This often leads to tragedy, as abandoned rabbits often fall prey to being bump into by motor vehicles, killed and eaten by raccoons, coyotes, dogs or feral cats. If they survive to hit upon a warren of rabbits, they are just as liable to be injured or killed as an uninvited intruder. If they in some way survive they will likely turn out to be a pest by eating park plants and then invading neighborhood gardens.
For somebody who has learned the essentials and still wants a bunny for a house pet, they should know that across the country there are various animal shelters where rescued bunnies may be adopted or fostered on a lasting or temporary basis.
Bunnies can make excellent, devoted companions and convey much joy to lots of households, but a rapport with a bunny is not something that must be entered into without prudent consideration and consideration.
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Kitten Training Tips
In this article, we hope to share with you the many aspects that this important subject has to offer. Deciding to get a pet and keeping it indoors will take a lot of responsibility. Chores such as feeding the animal or giving it a bath are just one of the few things the owner will have to do but there is more. Since these pets are not yet trained how to behave, the person will have to devote a lot of time and effort to make this happen.
The best time to train animals especially if one decides to keep it indoors is when it is still young and having kittens in the house is no exception. The good news about raising a cat is that it is easier to teach and maintain, unlike dogs that may require some assistance in a school.
The first thing that a person needs to know before getting a cat is learning about its behaviors. In general, these animals are very affectionate and are well behaved. When one notices certain changes in the mood of the cat, there is usually something wrong that can be corrected once the cause has been determined.
Here are some tips that can help a person train a kitten at home;
1. Kittens need exercise. If this is not done in the form of toys for the animal to play with, it will become restless and could do damage to your home.
2. Since kittens are not yet toilet trained, it is best to start by teaching it what to do with a litter box. The litter box should be big enough for the pet to enter and move around in. By adding newspaper and perhaps carpet, the animal will soon learn where to release waste when it is time.
3. The claws of kittens are not that sharp yet compared to older cats. So that these creatures will not damage the furniture in the future, it is best to get a scratching pad and teaching it that this is the proper place to scratch.
Praising the kitten for doing a good job and feeding it as a reward will help in teaching the kitten how to behave inside the house. The owner should not shout or hit the kitten since this will make the animal fear the person and no amount of effort in teaching it will work after that experience.
Kittens are lovable animals and by spending some time daily with them and with a little patience, this will all pay off as one can finally see that the animal has been finally house trained. Having this information handy will help you a great deal the next time you find yourself in need of it.
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The best time to train animals especially if one decides to keep it indoors is when it is still young and having kittens in the house is no exception. The good news about raising a cat is that it is easier to teach and maintain, unlike dogs that may require some assistance in a school.
The first thing that a person needs to know before getting a cat is learning about its behaviors. In general, these animals are very affectionate and are well behaved. When one notices certain changes in the mood of the cat, there is usually something wrong that can be corrected once the cause has been determined.
Here are some tips that can help a person train a kitten at home;
1. Kittens need exercise. If this is not done in the form of toys for the animal to play with, it will become restless and could do damage to your home.
2. Since kittens are not yet toilet trained, it is best to start by teaching it what to do with a litter box. The litter box should be big enough for the pet to enter and move around in. By adding newspaper and perhaps carpet, the animal will soon learn where to release waste when it is time.
3. The claws of kittens are not that sharp yet compared to older cats. So that these creatures will not damage the furniture in the future, it is best to get a scratching pad and teaching it that this is the proper place to scratch.
Praising the kitten for doing a good job and feeding it as a reward will help in teaching the kitten how to behave inside the house. The owner should not shout or hit the kitten since this will make the animal fear the person and no amount of effort in teaching it will work after that experience.
Kittens are lovable animals and by spending some time daily with them and with a little patience, this will all pay off as one can finally see that the animal has been finally house trained. Having this information handy will help you a great deal the next time you find yourself in need of it.
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How To Get Maximum Benefit From Frontline Intended for Our dogs
Frontline for Dogs is one of the definite unsurpassed ways to maintain your Animal clear from problem ticks plus fleas. It at all times performs exceptionally quickly and when employed it should keep parasites and ticks from a Dog for a minimum of a month. There is one chief thing to bear in mind all the same, above all for big Dogs, if you want to keep the frontline functioning effectively for as long as feasible. This is to guarantee that your frontline for Pet dogs is employed properly.
Although we can get non branded frontline used for our dogs I do not in fact propose it as if you know where to look you can get the authentic frontline extremely inexpensively furthermore it performs more effectively. So, how do we make sure that we use frontline for Our dogs properly and get the absolute best benefit from it.
Frontline designed for Our dogs should always be applied toward the skin of a Dog and on no account the fur. It simply will not function as it should be if you do not use it directly to the skin. However, on big Dogs that you employ a big capsule of frontline on, you may find that half way throughout applying it you commence to see it soak in to the fur. This is absolutely no good.
Rather than merely keep on it is best to stop and put on to a new spot. Through implementing frontline designed for Dogs in two spots it will work a good deal better. It can be spread round the body better and also you run a reduced amount of possibility of it not working properly. When you apply it and observe that more is being soaked up through the fur than is going on to the Animals skin in that case you understand that you have applied too large an amount in one place.
Simply stop and use further back the Dogs rear. Even though primarily a benefit for large Animals it can in addition apply to all Dogs. If the frontline for Our dogs is not performing as good as you expected it to then try applying in two separate places rather than only one.
Frontline ought to act exceptionally swiftly if you utilize it appropriately. If you find that it stops working well before the month is finished then you really might start to employ it in two places on the Dog. You will notice a clear change in just how good it works. You possibly will moreover discover, like me that you simply require to operate it every six weeks but if not easily change back to your previous per month application.Many dog owners
are experiencing that by applying in two spots on the Dog they save money as it works a lot more effectively plus for longer.
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Although we can get non branded frontline used for our dogs I do not in fact propose it as if you know where to look you can get the authentic frontline extremely inexpensively furthermore it performs more effectively. So, how do we make sure that we use frontline for Our dogs properly and get the absolute best benefit from it.
Frontline designed for Our dogs should always be applied toward the skin of a Dog and on no account the fur. It simply will not function as it should be if you do not use it directly to the skin. However, on big Dogs that you employ a big capsule of frontline on, you may find that half way throughout applying it you commence to see it soak in to the fur. This is absolutely no good.
Rather than merely keep on it is best to stop and put on to a new spot. Through implementing frontline designed for Dogs in two spots it will work a good deal better. It can be spread round the body better and also you run a reduced amount of possibility of it not working properly. When you apply it and observe that more is being soaked up through the fur than is going on to the Animals skin in that case you understand that you have applied too large an amount in one place.
Simply stop and use further back the Dogs rear. Even though primarily a benefit for large Animals it can in addition apply to all Dogs. If the frontline for Our dogs is not performing as good as you expected it to then try applying in two separate places rather than only one.
Frontline ought to act exceptionally swiftly if you utilize it appropriately. If you find that it stops working well before the month is finished then you really might start to employ it in two places on the Dog. You will notice a clear change in just how good it works. You possibly will moreover discover, like me that you simply require to operate it every six weeks but if not easily change back to your previous per month application.Many dog owners
are experiencing that by applying in two spots on the Dog they save money as it works a lot more effectively plus for longer.
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Pet animals, caring is important
Adopting a pet animal add a new friend to the life of people. Dogs and cats are generally adopted by people as pets. There are a few countries where people have certain superstitions related to cats. In such countries, we can rarely find people who have adopted cats.
In U.S, there are a large number of people who love to adopt cats and dogs. There might be various houses where one can see both dogs and cats. Several studies indicate that people, who have pets, stay happier. When a pet animal welcomes someone home or move his tail on seeing his master then it really feels great.
People, who have pets, should understand that like everything pets also need care and attention. You cannot expect that a pet animal will stay healthy and happy without doing any efforts. Many a times, people adopt pets and they realize later that they are unable to take out time for paying attention to them. Pet grooming includes all those activities which are necessary for making a pet look neat and stay healthy. Pet grooming supplies can be purchased from pet stores. Pet grooming supplies are necessary for performing various pet grooming activities like trimming hairs, nails, brushing hairs.
Visiting a pet grooming center cannot be afforded by everyone. However, it is not necessary to take a pet animal to pet grooming centers for grooming them. With the help of pet grooming supplies, people can easily groom their pets at home. This way, you neither need to spend much money nor giving your pets to someone else’s hands. Some pet animals may not like someone else bathing, drying or doing any other thing with them. Dogs may be uncomfortable in getting their hairs cut by unknown people in dog salons. People can cut dog’s hairs at home. For this, they need pet grooming supplies like hair clippings, scissor.
If you have a dog then you should have dog grooming tools. Shampoo, hair clippings, blow dryer, hair brush, towel are some of the dog grooming tools. One can buy dog grooming tolls from online stores or pet supplies shop in market. If you take care of the cleanliness and health of your pet then chances of various illnesses and infections get reduced. Pet animals that are not looked after for cleanliness by their masters are more likely to suffer from various types of diseases and infections. Therefore, you need to care for your pet to ensure their long life.
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In U.S, there are a large number of people who love to adopt cats and dogs. There might be various houses where one can see both dogs and cats. Several studies indicate that people, who have pets, stay happier. When a pet animal welcomes someone home or move his tail on seeing his master then it really feels great.
People, who have pets, should understand that like everything pets also need care and attention. You cannot expect that a pet animal will stay healthy and happy without doing any efforts. Many a times, people adopt pets and they realize later that they are unable to take out time for paying attention to them. Pet grooming includes all those activities which are necessary for making a pet look neat and stay healthy. Pet grooming supplies can be purchased from pet stores. Pet grooming supplies are necessary for performing various pet grooming activities like trimming hairs, nails, brushing hairs.
Visiting a pet grooming center cannot be afforded by everyone. However, it is not necessary to take a pet animal to pet grooming centers for grooming them. With the help of pet grooming supplies, people can easily groom their pets at home. This way, you neither need to spend much money nor giving your pets to someone else’s hands. Some pet animals may not like someone else bathing, drying or doing any other thing with them. Dogs may be uncomfortable in getting their hairs cut by unknown people in dog salons. People can cut dog’s hairs at home. For this, they need pet grooming supplies like hair clippings, scissor.
If you have a dog then you should have dog grooming tools. Shampoo, hair clippings, blow dryer, hair brush, towel are some of the dog grooming tools. One can buy dog grooming tolls from online stores or pet supplies shop in market. If you take care of the cleanliness and health of your pet then chances of various illnesses and infections get reduced. Pet animals that are not looked after for cleanliness by their masters are more likely to suffer from various types of diseases and infections. Therefore, you need to care for your pet to ensure their long life.
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European And American Dobermans
The Doberman Pinscher was originally produced in Germany as a personal protector for individuals and families, and for police and military work. Throughout Europe, this is still the case. Here the Doberman, or Dobermann as it is spelled, is viewed as a dog primarily for protection work and is breed with the intention of maintaining the traits needed in a protection dog, usually termed 'workability'.
In fact, before a Doberman's offspring can be registered in Europe, one of its parents must hold a Schutzhund title. Schutzhund is German for 'protection dog' and refers to a system for testing dogs of working breeds for workability. It has also grown into a popular sport in Europe and somewhat throughout the United Stated, although the American Kennel Club (AKC) does not allow its affiliates to sanction Schutzhund trials.
Under the common European and German philosophy, the Doberman is a compact dog untouchable by anyone but its owner, handler, or family. He must be strictly obedient under all circumstance and is expected to meet threats with all-out aggression.
It is understood and accepted that the Doberman Pinscher is a real physical danger to anyone approaching the Doberman's home or family in a threatening way. Understand, the European Doberman, like all healthy and properly socialized Dobermans, is not vicious. A mindless attack dog is not the goal of Schutzhund- the opposite in fact. A mindless attacker is useless in protection work.
The ideal protection Doberman is clam and friendly- until a threat is revealed. Then he will emit loud warning barks and keep himself between his handler and the threat, not pulling or leaving his handler. Only when the threat attacks, or when he is commanded, will the ideal protection Doberman attack. This is the goal of preserving the working traits and a priority in European and German Doberman Pinscher breeding.
American Doberman Pinschers Focus on Pets and the Show Ring
The main difference between American and European Doberman breeding is human social attitude. In the United States, where litigation involving dog bites is as rampant as irresponsible dog owners, the common consensus seems to be that only 'vicious' dogs bite.
This was no more evident than when the United Doberman Club was formed in the US after the AKC decision to disallow Schutzhund due to the protection phase which involves bite work. The United Doberman Club currently holds Schutzhund trials under the auspices of the American Working Dog Federation.
Also making this misguided social view starkly evident are the Breed Specific laws that have been proposed, and many passed, in an effort to reduce dog bites. Advocates of Breed Specific legislation ignore the real cause of dog bite, irresponsible people, and place the blame not only on the dog, but on specific breeds of dog. This is unfair but more importantly, it is ineffective. Breed Specific laws will not and do not fix the problem.
Regardless of popular attitude, many Doberman owners and breeders in the United States still work to maintain the working traits in the Doberman and participate in Schutzhund.
Partially due to the popular attitude and partially due simply to Americas love of different aspects of the dog, the goals of most Doberman breeders in America are for the production of pet or companion dogs, and show dogs.
One of the reasons the Doberman is so popular in the US is that it is such a loving, gentle, and devoted companion dog who fits exceptionally well into the busy American family. Quality breeders focused on producing the Doberman as a companion are most concerned with health and temperament. However, the temperament most companion Doberman breeders look for is a general sure and friendly temperament.
In the US there are no temperament tests required for registering a Doberman litter; certainly not anything approaching the intensity or required human dedication as with Schutzhund trials. This lack of temperamental standardization has allowed irresponsible breeders to register their ill planned litters, which has contributed to the degradation of the Doberman breed. Irresponsible breeders have further degraded the Doberman breed by placing their puppies with who ever offers money. This has placed the Doberman in the hands of irresponsible owners who have neglected the Doberman's needs, such as training and socialization, creating troubled and dangerous Dobermans.
This irresponsible branch of Doberman production in the US is certainly the main cause of the misguided American attitude toward the Doberman. Also contributing are the many movies and video games depicting the Doberman as vicious.
Regardless of temperament standards, quality breeders in the US maintain exceptional standards on their own for the temperament of their breeding Dobermans. Quality breeders are highly discriminative when placing their puppies; they will only place them in homes that have shown their willingness and ability to properly care for a Doberman.
This dedicated type of Doberman breeder, often called master breeder, is the guardian of the Doberman breed. Their breeding is well planned with goals of contributing to and improving the Doberman breed.
These dedicated master breeders have produced some of the healthiest and beautiful Dobermans in the world and have grown a strong branch of quality Doberman lines in the US, often including German imports. Dobermans from this branch, in comparison to their European counterparts are gorgeous, the super-models of the Doberman world. They are longer lived, and possess the same distinctive Doberman temperament but slightly sweeter and friendlier; a soft temperament by European standards.
This awesome branch of American Dobermans has taken over the US show ring, no longer referred to as guard or protection dogs but as family companions.
Also producing quality American Dobermans, but contributing less to the Doberman breed, are breeders focused on show dogs. The problem with these breeders is just that, they are focused on show confirmation- not health and temperament.
The differences between the European and American Doberman Pinscher has caused some people to suggest that the breed be split. However, any guardian of the Doberman breed will fight such a foolish idea. Doing so would drastically reduce the already small quality gene pool and would likely further reduce the American Doberman's working traits further.
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In fact, before a Doberman's offspring can be registered in Europe, one of its parents must hold a Schutzhund title. Schutzhund is German for 'protection dog' and refers to a system for testing dogs of working breeds for workability. It has also grown into a popular sport in Europe and somewhat throughout the United Stated, although the American Kennel Club (AKC) does not allow its affiliates to sanction Schutzhund trials.
Under the common European and German philosophy, the Doberman is a compact dog untouchable by anyone but its owner, handler, or family. He must be strictly obedient under all circumstance and is expected to meet threats with all-out aggression.
It is understood and accepted that the Doberman Pinscher is a real physical danger to anyone approaching the Doberman's home or family in a threatening way. Understand, the European Doberman, like all healthy and properly socialized Dobermans, is not vicious. A mindless attack dog is not the goal of Schutzhund- the opposite in fact. A mindless attacker is useless in protection work.
The ideal protection Doberman is clam and friendly- until a threat is revealed. Then he will emit loud warning barks and keep himself between his handler and the threat, not pulling or leaving his handler. Only when the threat attacks, or when he is commanded, will the ideal protection Doberman attack. This is the goal of preserving the working traits and a priority in European and German Doberman Pinscher breeding.
American Doberman Pinschers Focus on Pets and the Show Ring
The main difference between American and European Doberman breeding is human social attitude. In the United States, where litigation involving dog bites is as rampant as irresponsible dog owners, the common consensus seems to be that only 'vicious' dogs bite.
This was no more evident than when the United Doberman Club was formed in the US after the AKC decision to disallow Schutzhund due to the protection phase which involves bite work. The United Doberman Club currently holds Schutzhund trials under the auspices of the American Working Dog Federation.
Also making this misguided social view starkly evident are the Breed Specific laws that have been proposed, and many passed, in an effort to reduce dog bites. Advocates of Breed Specific legislation ignore the real cause of dog bite, irresponsible people, and place the blame not only on the dog, but on specific breeds of dog. This is unfair but more importantly, it is ineffective. Breed Specific laws will not and do not fix the problem.
Regardless of popular attitude, many Doberman owners and breeders in the United States still work to maintain the working traits in the Doberman and participate in Schutzhund.
Partially due to the popular attitude and partially due simply to Americas love of different aspects of the dog, the goals of most Doberman breeders in America are for the production of pet or companion dogs, and show dogs.
One of the reasons the Doberman is so popular in the US is that it is such a loving, gentle, and devoted companion dog who fits exceptionally well into the busy American family. Quality breeders focused on producing the Doberman as a companion are most concerned with health and temperament. However, the temperament most companion Doberman breeders look for is a general sure and friendly temperament.
In the US there are no temperament tests required for registering a Doberman litter; certainly not anything approaching the intensity or required human dedication as with Schutzhund trials. This lack of temperamental standardization has allowed irresponsible breeders to register their ill planned litters, which has contributed to the degradation of the Doberman breed. Irresponsible breeders have further degraded the Doberman breed by placing their puppies with who ever offers money. This has placed the Doberman in the hands of irresponsible owners who have neglected the Doberman's needs, such as training and socialization, creating troubled and dangerous Dobermans.
This irresponsible branch of Doberman production in the US is certainly the main cause of the misguided American attitude toward the Doberman. Also contributing are the many movies and video games depicting the Doberman as vicious.
Regardless of temperament standards, quality breeders in the US maintain exceptional standards on their own for the temperament of their breeding Dobermans. Quality breeders are highly discriminative when placing their puppies; they will only place them in homes that have shown their willingness and ability to properly care for a Doberman.
This dedicated type of Doberman breeder, often called master breeder, is the guardian of the Doberman breed. Their breeding is well planned with goals of contributing to and improving the Doberman breed.
These dedicated master breeders have produced some of the healthiest and beautiful Dobermans in the world and have grown a strong branch of quality Doberman lines in the US, often including German imports. Dobermans from this branch, in comparison to their European counterparts are gorgeous, the super-models of the Doberman world. They are longer lived, and possess the same distinctive Doberman temperament but slightly sweeter and friendlier; a soft temperament by European standards.
This awesome branch of American Dobermans has taken over the US show ring, no longer referred to as guard or protection dogs but as family companions.
Also producing quality American Dobermans, but contributing less to the Doberman breed, are breeders focused on show dogs. The problem with these breeders is just that, they are focused on show confirmation- not health and temperament.
The differences between the European and American Doberman Pinscher has caused some people to suggest that the breed be split. However, any guardian of the Doberman breed will fight such a foolish idea. Doing so would drastically reduce the already small quality gene pool and would likely further reduce the American Doberman's working traits further.
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Pet Insurance : What To Look For
Keeping a pet is a rewarding experience which many of us enjoy, but it can also be expensive. As well as all the routine costs such as food and grooming, you can also come up against unplanned expenses such as veterinary bills through sickness or accident. These bills can unfortunately be very high, so to ensure that their pets can get the treatment they need many people decide that taking out pet insurance is a sensible way of helping to cushion these costs. But what should you be looking for in a pet insurance policy?
The first thing to consider is what kind of pet you have. The cheapest kind of pet insurance is that for the most common pets - cats and dogs. Prices for these policies can be very reasonable indeed, amounting to only the cost of a few tins of pet food a month. If, however, you keep a more unusual kind of animal as a pet, then the price you pay may well be higher. Make sure that any policy you take out specifically includes your kind of pet, as many will exclude more 'exotic' kinds of animal.
The main reason for considering pet insurance is cover for medical treatment, but there are some exclusions that you need to be aware of. Firstly, your policy will almost certainly not cover routine treatments such as vaccinations, flea control, or worming. Secondly, you won't be covered for any pre-existing conditions that were already known about when you took out the policy (you should also declare any existing conditions when you take out the policy, or you risk it being declared invalid when you come to make a claim).
You also need to check your policy for claim limits: there may be a time limit of cover, so for example a long-term condition such as arthritis may only be covered for a period of 12 months, after which you will be responsible for meeting the bills. There is also usually a limit to the total cost of medical bill claims you make in any one year, but this is usually high enough to cover almost any conceivable situation.
Another major reason for taking out insurance is to help you cover the costs of getting your pet back if it goes missing. Most policies will contribute towards advertising in local newspapers etcetera, and also to providing reward money for the safe return of your pet.
Another very important part of your insurance cover is public liability, especially for dog owners. Even the calmest and most well behaved of pets could possibly cause damage to someone's property, or even cause an injury to a person. In this thankfully rare event, you could be open to huge legal bills and compensation claims - make sure that your policy includes a substantial amount of third party liability cover as standard.
Finally, check whether the policy you're considering places a limit on the age of your pet. Many policies are only available to, for example, cats up until the age of eight years. As it is in later years that your pet is most likely to need treatment, it obviously makes sense to ensure your policy will cover this, especially if your pet has a few years under their belt!
The first thing to consider is what kind of pet you have. The cheapest kind of pet insurance is that for the most common pets - cats and dogs. Prices for these policies can be very reasonable indeed, amounting to only the cost of a few tins of pet food a month. If, however, you keep a more unusual kind of animal as a pet, then the price you pay may well be higher. Make sure that any policy you take out specifically includes your kind of pet, as many will exclude more 'exotic' kinds of animal.
The main reason for considering pet insurance is cover for medical treatment, but there are some exclusions that you need to be aware of. Firstly, your policy will almost certainly not cover routine treatments such as vaccinations, flea control, or worming. Secondly, you won't be covered for any pre-existing conditions that were already known about when you took out the policy (you should also declare any existing conditions when you take out the policy, or you risk it being declared invalid when you come to make a claim).
You also need to check your policy for claim limits: there may be a time limit of cover, so for example a long-term condition such as arthritis may only be covered for a period of 12 months, after which you will be responsible for meeting the bills. There is also usually a limit to the total cost of medical bill claims you make in any one year, but this is usually high enough to cover almost any conceivable situation.
Another major reason for taking out insurance is to help you cover the costs of getting your pet back if it goes missing. Most policies will contribute towards advertising in local newspapers etcetera, and also to providing reward money for the safe return of your pet.
Another very important part of your insurance cover is public liability, especially for dog owners. Even the calmest and most well behaved of pets could possibly cause damage to someone's property, or even cause an injury to a person. In this thankfully rare event, you could be open to huge legal bills and compensation claims - make sure that your policy includes a substantial amount of third party liability cover as standard.
Finally, check whether the policy you're considering places a limit on the age of your pet. Many policies are only available to, for example, cats up until the age of eight years. As it is in later years that your pet is most likely to need treatment, it obviously makes sense to ensure your policy will cover this, especially if your pet has a few years under their belt!
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