
Learn About The Moa Bird

The Moa bird was a massive bird. However, the biggest moa was the Giant Moa. It was taller than three metres and weighed near 250 kilograms. The giant moa was one of the leading of all birds ever known in the world. Nevertheless, there were smaller moa birds. The least moa species was a little bigger in volume than a bomb and nearly half a metre tall.

Scientists have cool tons of information about the moa bird through fossils (bones) that are found all around New Zealand. For some hundreds of days these birds have been dead. Some were as big as the Big Bird from Sesame Street. Nevertheless the least were not much larger than our mean turkeys. These birds were eaten to extinction along with other bird species, by Maori. These birds were flightless.

At their last reckon, there were eleven different species of the bird. They commonly were the inhabitants of the forests and not the grasslands. Another astonishing discovery about the bird is that they maybe did not stop around with their heads in the air, unlike some of the museum mounts that we see nowadays. Even though they are vanished now, you can still find their bones, generally in caves, swamps and sand dunes. However, they are not the only destroyed New Zealand bird.

The inquiry as to how the moa bird becomes dead has its answers with the scientists. They say that these birds lived in New Zealand when the Maori people indoors, but it is still believed that the moa bird was utterly dead in 1769 when Captain Cook here in New Zealand.

Some of the land was clear by the Maori people, which would have killed the bird candidly or condensed its territory. Nevertheless the crux logic as to why the bird became extinct was because of hunting. The moa bird was an apparent cause of food in a land without mammals excepting for the bat. Moa bones have been found in the midden locations (these are where giant amounts of cooking remnants are found) around New Zealand. From the bones that have been discovered at the midden locations, scientists have also discovered and learned about the different species of the bird and have reached down to a conclusion that over-hunting was the chief rationale as to why the bird is extinct nowadays.

Scientists also suppose that the moa bird was extinct by 1500 and that no one genuinely ever saw the bird booming. However, there ate tales that would make us trust that there were a few of these birds left in New Zealand when Captain Cook and his men inwards. There have even been stories that were told during the 1900's, that would make people think that there was still a moa bird roving around in the forests of New Zealand.

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