
Goats: Daily Care of Growing Pygmy Goats

As time goes on, I'm developing a more defined daily process. Below is what I've started doing and I think it's working.

Light- There is a light in the coop (powered by good old extension cord power) that can be turned on/off by the surge protector button. At the evening feed, I'll turn the light on so I can see to put them to bed later on. Just be careful leaving as the ground is uneven due to my not having completed the pathway.
Fan- It's going to be hot this week I think. It can get really hot in the coop on sunny days. So I use the brown hobble strap to fasten the fan onto the post (it's a tight fit but it does make it to the first hole) and place the fan on top of the gate-oscillating. This makes it a pain to get in/out of the stall but I feel like any air movement is better than none at all to take the edge off. They've been hanging out in the shade outside lately even with the fan on but I guess offering the options make me feel better.

Note: There are wood panels that I put up at night. Also, please lock the coop when you're not there. I just have this thing since I feel like the neighbors to the North of me seem to not understand boundaries. I feel better when the coop is locked if nobody is around. I realize my methods are total overkill but I still consider them babies and I think I'm more afraid of something getting them as opposed to them getting into trouble-since I think things are pretty baby proofed.

*Morning feed- fed by about 9am. They get emotional when it's later than 9:30.
*How much-3/4 Cup each (I've just made them all the same, it's easier and they're growing.)
*Evening feed- 6pm
*How much-3/4 Cup each

Where and in what order to dole out feed: I could be wrong but it seems as though they like the routine that is falling into place so here is how it's coming together: Facing the stall in counter-clockwise order (I know, a bit much!) First, place the square feed pan down below next to water for Clarence, this keeps him from beating up the others while waiting for his feed. Next is Tawanda up top on the feed spot facing the hay storage. Next is Carl on the feed spot to the left, up top where Tawanda is. The last one is Cracker and his spot is over next (to the left) to their enter/exit door to the goat yard, next to the hay holder.

If Carl goes for Tawanda's feed, I just tap him and get him over to his bucket. I think the amount I'm feeding gets them all finishing at about the same time. If one has finished, he'll go harass another but I've decided that I can't micromanage every aspect so they're on their own to sort it out. I think it's minimizing conflict- for the most part. It's up to you if you want to leave the feed buckets in the stall until the next feeding or not. I usually remove them when I go out a little later to check on them, that way they're ready for the next feeding and out of the way.

After they're all done and if they need hay, I toss in a flake of hay into the hanging feeder. If needed, I put some on top of bale of straw up top too. Not all really eat that hay so I make sure they have enough in the hay holder more than anywhere-it's the main hay eating place for all of them.

Water- They have to have fresh water every day. Also because junk ends up in the water so it gets gross. So I have a little green bucket I use to give them water in their stall every morning. I feed them first and while they're eating, I replace the water. I just toss it out door to the coop. I'll put the little green bucket inside first gate (next to the dog water). They can just get hose water. The oval water trough in the yard doesn't have to be freshened every day really. They don't mess that one and they do drink water older than 24hrs out of it. I just refresh it about every other day.

Letting the goats out/putting them up- They can be out all day and I would say my only concern about putting them up at night is if it's too early and the coop is too warm. They seem to be fine (or maybe it's me) having access to the goat yard when it's dark. So I'll put them up as late as 10 or as early as 8. There is a string I use to hold the window open so the goats can get in and get out. I just loop it around. When I close them in for the night I use the piece of wood slid down and resting on the string to stay in place. It's not the best design but it works for now I guess!

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