
Animal Pain Relief: No Frills Rehabilitation For Your Pets

When I was a little girl, I loved horses. I guess that's the end of my dreams of winning competitions. We lived in a small ranch and horses just run around in our place. I never had to think about horse joint pain and horse pain relief because my parents always took care of the horses. After proving to my parents that I can maintain and train a horse, they surprised me with a beautiful show He was a dear when I was raising him. For our regular exercise, we went to the trails near our ranch; that's after I saddle trained him, of course. My horse, Bailey, slipped and fell hard on his front knees while we were walking on the trail. He fell hard on a jagged rock and his knee suffered a big cut. We followed the vet's orders and thankfully, his knee fully recovered but it appeared that he was limping with the bad knee.
We became stronger after the accident. I felt that Bailey truly became my pet after that. I began to think of horse joint pain and pet pain relief all the time. I started looking on the web to see if there was anything I could do to alleviate the horse joint pain he was feeling, after all Bailey was supposed to be a show horse. Weeks after my long drawn search for answers, I chanced upon the Animal Fitness Centre site. As I go over the site, there seemed to be a lot I could do for Bailey. I got all excited and my hopes are up again for Bailey's horse joint pain.
Dr. Ava Fricks staff set up a day so they could evaluate Bailey. Everybody was really nice and helpful. According to Dr. Frick, Bailey had equine arthritis and this is what's causing the horse joint pain. She assured me that she could help with Baileys horse joint pain. She told me she had cases of horses that have equine paralysis. Recovery is almost 100%.Animal pain relief is her specialization and she uses pet chiropractic and modern technology treatments such as pet water treadmill, physical therapy, nutrition and herbal remedies.
The staff at the Animal Fitness center did a massage treatment on Bailey; this kind of physical therapy was something we can do at home. We brought Bailey in for the treatments, for pet pain, we couldnt do at home and before we knew it he needed fewer and fewer treatments. In between treatments at Animal Fitness Center and our home, Bailey has been walking limp free for six months.
Were going to be starting competition soon and hope to be bringing many ribbons home.
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